![[OTA LOGO] OTA Publications](resource/otapubs.GIF)
Alphabetical list
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Cancer Testing Technology and Saccharin (October 1977)
Cardiac Radionuclide Imaging and Cost Effectiveness (May 1982)
Catching Our Breath: Next Steps for Reducing Urban Ozone (July 1989)
The CDC's Case Definition of AIDS: Implications of Proposed Revisions (June 1992)
Census of State Government Initiatives for High-Technology Industrial Development (May 1983)
Challenges for U.S. Agricultural Research Policy (September 1995)
Changing by Degrees: Steps To Reduce Greenhouse Gases (February 1991)
The Chemical Weapons Convention: Effects on the U.S. Chemical Industry (August 1993)
Children's Dental Services Under the Medicaid Program (October 1990)
Children's Mental Health: Problems and Services (December 1986)
Civilian Satellite Remote Sensing: A Strategic Approach (September 1994)
Civilian Space Policy and Applications (June 1982)
Civilian Space Stations and the U.S. Future in Space (November 1984)
Cleaning Up Contaminated Wood-Treating Sites (September 1995)
Climate Treaties and Models: Issues in the International Management of Climate Change (June 1994)
Coal Exports and Port Development (April 1981)
Coastal Effects of Offshore Energy Systems: An Assessment of Oil and Gas Systems, Deepwater Ports, and Nuclear Powerplants Off the Coasts of New Jersey and Delaware (November 1976)
Combined Summaries: Technologies To Sustain Tropical Forest Resources and Biological Diversity (May 1992)
Coming Clean: Superfund Problems Can Be Solved... (October 1989)
Commercial Biotechnology: An International Analysis (January 1984)
Commercial Newsgathering From Space (May 1987)
Commercializing High-Temperature Superconductivity (June 1988)
Comparative Analysis of the 1976 ERDA Plan and Program (May 1976)
Compensation for Vaccine-Related Injuries (November 1980)
Competing Economies: America, Europe, and the Pacific Rim (October 1991)
Competition in Coastal Seas: An Evaluation of Foreign Maritime Activities in the 200-Mile EEZ (July 1989)
Compilation of Abbreviations and Terms (September 1993)
Complex Cleanup: The Environmental Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Production (February 1991)
Computer Software and Intellectual Property (March 1990)
Computer Technology in Medical Education and Assessment (September 1979)
Computer-Based National Information Systems: Technology and Public Policy Issues (September 1981)
Computerized Manufacturing Automation: Employment, Education, and the Workplace (April 1984)
Confused Minds, Burdened Families: Finding Help for People With Alzheimer's and Other Dementias (July 1990)
Conservation and Solar Energy Programs of the Department of Energy: A Critique (June 1980)
Construction and Materials Research and Development for the Nation's Public Works (June 1987)
The Contact Lens Industry: Structure, Competition, and Public Policy (December 1984)
The Containment of Underground Nuclear Explosions (October 1989)
The Continuing Challenge of Tuberculosis (September 1993)
Continuing the Commitment: Agricultural Development in the Sahel (August 1986)
Contributions of DOE Weapons Labs and NIST to Semiconductor Technology (September 1993)
Coping With an Oiled Sea (March 1990)
Copper: Technology and Competitiveness (September 1988)
Copyright and Home Copying: Technology Challenges the Law (October 1989)
Cost Benefit/Cost Effectiveness of Medical Technologies: A Case Study of Orthopedic Joint Implants (September 1981)
Cost Effectiveness of Automated Multichannel Chemistry Analyzers (May 1981)
The Cost Effectiveness of Bone Marrow Transplant Therapy and Its Policy Implications (May 1981)
The Cost Effectiveness of Digital Subtraction Angiography in the Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Disease (May 1985)
Cost Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination (December 1981)
The Cost Effectiveness of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (May 1981)
The Cost-Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening in Average-Risk Adults (April 1995)
The Costs and Effectiveness of Cervical Cancer Screening in Elderly Women (February 1990)
Costs and Effectiveness of Cholesterol Screening in the Elderly (April 1989)
Costs and Effectiveness of Colorectal Cancer Screening in the Elderly (September 1990)
The Costs and Effectiveness of Neonatal Intensive Care (August 1981)
The Costs and Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners (July 1981)
Costs and Effectiveness of Prostate Cancer Screening in Elderly Men (May 1995)
The Costs of AIDS and Other HIV Infections: Review of the Estimates (May 1987)
Coverage of Laser Technology by Health Insurers (August 1995)
Coverage of Preventive Services: Provisions of Selected Current Health Care Reform Proposals (September 1993)
Criminal Justice, New Technologies, and the Constitution (May 1988)
Criteria for Evaluating the Implementation Plan Required By the Earthquake Hazards Reduction Act of 1977 (January 1980)
Critical Connections: Communication for the Future (February 1990)
Current Status of Federal Involvement in U.S. Aquaculture (September 1995)
Cystic Fibrosis and DNA Tests: Implications of Carrier Screening (August 1992)
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