Cystic Fibrosis and DNA Tests: Implications of Carrier Screening
GPO stock #052-003-01291-0
NTIS order #PB92-216142
Full Report ~6731K
Front Matter ~51K
Table of Contents ~4K
1: Summary, Policy Issues, and Congressional Options ~1176K
2: Introduction ~358K
3: Medical Aspects ~328K
4: The State-of-the-Art in Genetics ~875K
5: Quality Assurance ~636K
6: Education and Counseling ~467K
7: Financing ~421K
8: Discrimination Issues ~511K
9: Costs and Cost-Effectiveness ~192K
10: Cystic Fibrosis Carrier Screening in the United Kingdom ~240K
A: Epidemiology of Mutations for Cystic Fibrosis ~378K
B: Case Studies of Other Carrier Screening Programs ~599K
C: Acknowledgments ~20K
D: List of Contractor Documents ~4K
E: List of Workshops and Participants ~8K
F: Acronyms and Glossary ~54K
Index ~559K