![[OTA LOGO] OTA Publications](resource/otapubs.GIF)
Alphabetical list
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Safe Skies for Tomorrow: Aviation Safety in a Competitive Environment (July 1988)
Safer Skies with TCAS: Traffic Alert and Collision Avoidance System-A Special Report (February 1989)
The Safety, Efficacy, and Cost Effectiveness of Therapeutic Apheresis (July 1983)
SALYUT: Soviet Steps Toward Permanent Human Presence in Space (December 1983)
Saving Energy in U.S. Transportation (July 1994)
Science and Technology Issues in Coastal Ecotourism (October 1992)
Science, Technology, and the Constitution (September 1987)
Science, Technology, and the First Amendment (January 1988)
Scientific Equipment for Undergraduates: Is It Adequate? (September 1986)
Scientific Validity of Polygraph Testing: A Research Review and Evaluation (November 1983)
Screening and Testing Chemicals in Commerce (September 1995)
Screening for Colon Cancer: A Technology Assessment (April 1981)
Screening for Open-Angle Glaucoma in the Elderly (October 1988)
Screening Mammography in Primary Care Settings: Implications for Cost Access and Quality (October 1991)
SDI: Technology, Survivability, and Software (May 1988)
Seeking Solutions: High Performance Computing for Science (March 1991)
Seismic Verification of Nuclear Testing Treaties (May 1988)
Selected Electronic Funds Transfer Issues: Privacy, Security, and Equity (March 1982)
Selected Technical and Economic Comparisons of Synfuel Options (October 1982)
Selected Technology Issues in U.S. Aquaculture (September 1995)
Selected Telecommunications Devices for Hearing-Impaired Persons (December 1982)
Selected Topics in Federal Health Statistics (June 1979)
Serious Reduction of Hazardous Waste: for Pollution Prevention and Industrial Efficiency (September 1986)
The Social Security Administration and Information Technology (October 1986)
The Social Security Administration's Decentralized Computer Strategy: Issues and Options (April 1994)
Solar Power Satellites (August 1981)
Space Science Research in the United States (September 1982)
Space Stations and the Law: Selected Legal Issues (August 1986)
Special Care Units for People With Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: Consumer Education, Research, Regulatory, and Reimbursement Issues (August 1992)
Starpower: The U.S. and the International Quest for Fusion Energy (October 1987)
State Educational Testing Practices (December 1987)
State of the States on Brownfields: Programs for Cleanup and Reuse of Contaminated Sites (June 1995)
Statistical Needs for a Changing U.S. Economy (September 1989)
Status of Biomedical Research and Related Technology for Tropical Diseases (September 1985)
Status Report on the Gas Potential From Devonian Shales of the Appalachian Basin (November 1977)
Strategic Materials: Technologies To Reduce U.S. Import Vulnerability (May 1985)
Strategies for Medical Technology Assessment (September 1982)
Studies of the Environmental Costs of Electricity (September 1994)
Supercomputers: Government Plans and Policies (March 1986)
Superfund Strategy (April 1985)
Surgery for Breast Cancer (October 1981)
Sustaining Tropical Forest Resources: Reforestation of Degraded Lands (May 1983)
Sustaining Tropical Forest Resources: U.S. and International Institutions (May 1983)
Synthetic Fuels for Transportation: The Future Potential of Electric and Hybrid Vehicles (March 1982)
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