Alphabetical list
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Habitability of the Love Canal Area: An Analysis of the Technical Basis for the Decision on the Habitability of the Emergency Declaration Area (June 1983)
Harmful Non-Indigenous Species in the United States (September 1993)
Hazards Ahead: Managing Cleanup Worker Health and Safety at the Nuclear Weapons Complex (February 1993)
Health Care in Rural America (September 1990)
Health Care Technology and Its Assessment in Eight Countries (February 1995)
Health Insurance: The Hawaii Experience (June 1993)
The Health of the Scientific and Technical Enterprise: An Advisory Panel Report to the Office of Technology Assessment (October 1978)
Healthy Children: Investing in the Future (February 1988)
Hearing Impairment and Elderly People (May 1986)
Helping America Compete: The Role of Federal Scientific and Technical Information (June 1990)
The Hemodialysis Equipment and Disposables Industry (December 1984)
High-Performance Computing and Networking for Science (September 1989)
High-Temperature Superconductivity in Perspective (April 1990)
Higher Education for Science and Engineering (March 1989)
Hip Fracture Outcomes in People Age 50 and Over (September 1994)
A History of the Department of Defense Federally Funded Research and Development Centers (June 1995)
HIV in the Health Care Workplace (November 1991)
Holding the Edge: Maintaining the Defense Technology Base (April 1989)
Holding the Edge: Maintaining the Defense Technology Base-Vol. II, Appendices (January 1990)
Home Drug Infusion Therapy Under Medicare (May 1992)
Hospital Financing in Seven Countries (May 1995)
Hospital Information Systems at the Veterans Administration (September 1987)
How Effective Is AIDS Education? (June 1988)
How Has Federal Research on AIDS/HIV Disease Contributed to Other Fields? (April 1990)
Human Gene Therapy (December 1984)
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