Alphabetical list
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Educating Scientists and Engineers: Grade School to Grad School (June 1988)
Education and Technology: Future Visions (September 1995)
The Effectiveness and Costs of Alcoholism Treatment (March 1983)
The Effectiveness and Costs of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) (September 1985)
Effectiveness and Costs of Osteoporosis Screening and Hormone Replacement Therapy, Vol. I: Cost-Effectiveness Analysis (August 1995)
Effectiveness and Costs of Osteoporosis Screening and Hormone Replacement Therapy, Vol. II: Evidence on Benefits, Risks, and Costs (August 1995)
The Effectiveness of AIDS Prevention Efforts (September 1995)
The Effectiveness of Drug Abuse Treatment: Implications for Controlling AIDS/HIV Infection (September 1990)
The Effectiveness of Research and Experimentation Tax Credits (September 1995)
Effects of Federal Policies on Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (May 1986)
Effects of Information Technology on Financial Services Systems (September 1984)
The Effects of Nuclear War (May 1979)
The Efficacy and Cost Effectiveness of Psychotherapy (October 1980)
Elective Hysterectomy: Costs, Risks, and Benefits (October 1981)
Electric Power Wheeling and Dealing: Technological Considerations for Increasing Competition (May 1989)
Electronic Bulls and Bears: U.S. Securities Markets and Information Technology (September 1990)
Electronic Delivery of Public Assistance Benefits: Technology Options and Policy Issues (April 1988)
Electronic Enterprises: Looking to the Future (May 1994)
Electronic Record Systems and Individual Privacy (June 1986)
The Electronic Supervisor: New Technology, New Tensions (September 1987)
Electronic Surveillance and Civil Liberties (October 1985)
Electronic Surveillance in a Digital Age (July 1995)
Elementary and Secondary Education for Science and Engineering (December 1988)
Emerging Food Marketing Technologies: A Preliminary Analysis (October 1978)
Encouraging High-Technology Development (April 1983)
Energy Efficiency: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Utilities (September 1993)
Energy Efficiency in Federal Facilities: Update on Funding and Potential Savings (May 1994)
Energy Efficiency in the Federal Government: Government by Good Example? (May 1991)
Energy Efficiency of Buildings in Cities (March 1982)
Energy Efficiency Technologies for Central and Eastern Europe (May 1993)
Energy From Biological Processes (July 1980)
Energy from Biological Processes: Volume II-Technical and Environmental Analyses (September 1980)
Energy in Developing Countries (January 1991)
Energy Technology Choices: Shaping Our Future (July 1991)
Energy Technology Transfer to China (September 1985)
Energy, the Economy, and Mass Transit (October 1975)
Energy Use and the U.S. Economy (June 1990)
Engineering Implications of Chronic Materials Scarcity (April 1977)
Enhanced Oil Recovery Potential in the United States (January 1978)
Enhancing Agriculture in Africa: A Role for U.S. Development Assistance (September 1988)
Enhancing the Quality of U.S. Grain for International Trade (February 1989)
Environmental Contaminants in Food (December 1979)
Environmental Issues of Synthetic Transportation Fuels From Coal (December 1982)
Environmental Monitoring for Nuclear Safeguards (September 1995)
Environmental Policy Tools: A User's Guide (September 1995)
Environmental Protection in the Federal Coal Leasing Program (May 1984)
Environmental Technology: Analysis of Selected Federal R&D Programs (July 1995)
EPA Superfund Actions and ATSDR Public Health Data (July 1995)
Establishing a 200-Mile Fisheries Zone (June 1977)
Evaluating Defense Department Research (July 1990)
An Evaluation of Options for Managing Greater-Than-Class-C Low-Level Radioactive Waste (October 1988)
An Evaluation of Railroad Safety (May 1978)
Evaluation of the Oregon Medicaid Proposal (May 1992)
Exploratory Workshop on the Social Impacts of Robotics: Summary and Issues (February 1982)
Exploring the Moon and Mars: Choices for the Nation (July 1991)
Export Controls and Nonproliferation Policy (May 1994)
External Review of the Federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's HIV Prevention Program: Summary and Overview (September 1994)
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