Topical list
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See also Business and industry; Competitiveness; Employment and training; Research and development; Science and technology
Census of State Government Initiatives for High-Technology Industrial Development (May 1983)
Encouraging High-Technology Development (April 1983)
Global Communications: Opportunities for Trade and Aid (September 1995)
The Technological Reshaping of Metropolitan America (September 1995)
Technology and the American Economic Transition: Choices for the Future (May 1988)
Technology and the Future of the U.S. Construction Industry (August 1984)
Technology, Innovation, and Regional Economic Development (July 1984)
Technology, Trade, and the U.S. Residential Construction Industry (September 1986)
The U.S. Textile and Apparel Industry: A Revolution in Progress (April 1987)
See also Business and industry; Competitiveness; Defense technology; Employment and training
Energy Use and the U.S. Economy (June 1990)
Statistical Needs for a Changing U.S. Economy (September 1989)
See also Computer technology; Disabilities; Employment and training; Information technology; Science and technology
Adult Literacy and New Technologies: Tools for a Lifetime (July 1993)
Educating Scientists and Engineers: Grade School to Grad School (June 1988)
Education and Technology: Future Visions (September 1995)
Elementary and Secondary Education for Science and Engineering (December 1988)
Higher Education for Science and Engineering (March 1989)
Informational Technology and Its Impact on American Education (November 1982)
Learning To Work: Making the Transition From School to Work (September 1995)
Linking for Learning: A New Course for Education (November 1989)
Performance Standards for Secondary School Vocational Education (April 1989)
Power On! New Tools for Teaching and Learning (September 1988)
Preparing for Science and Engineering Careers: Field Level Profiles (January 1987)
Risks to Students in School (September 1995)
Scientific Equipment for Undergraduates: Is It Adequate? (September 1986)
State Educational Testing Practices (December 1987)
Teachers and Technology: Making the Connection (April 1995)
Technology and Learning Disabilities (December 1983)
Testing and Assessment in Vocational Education (March 1994)
Testing in American Schools: Asking the Right Questions (February 1992)
Trends and Status of Computers in Schools: Use in Chapter 1 Programs and Use With Limited English Proficient Students (March 1987)
See also Energy efficiency; Energy technology
Biological Effects of Power Frequency Electric and Magnetic Fields (May 1989)
Electric Power Wheeling and Dealing: Technological Considerations for Increasing Competition (May 1989)
New Electric Power Technologies: Problems and Prospects for the 1990s (July 1985)
Physical Vulnerability of Electric Systems to Natural Disasters and Sabotage (June 1990)
Studies of the Environmental Costs of Electricity (September 1994)
See also Business and industry; Computer technology; Economic development; Economy; Education
Automation and the Workplace: Selected Labor, Education, and Training Issues (March 1983)
Demographic Trends and the Scientific and Engineering Workforce (December 1985)
Displaced Homemakers: Programs and Policy (October 1985)
Does Vocational Education Help the "Forgotten Half"?: Short-term Economic Consequences of High School Vocational Education for Non-College Students (September 1995)
Occupational Training for Young People in the United Kingdom (September 1995)
Performance Standards for the Food Stamp Employment and Training Program (February 1992)
Plant Closing: Advance Notice and Rapid Response (September 1986)
Technology and Structural Unemployment: Reemploying Displaced Adults (February 1986)
The Use of Integrity Tests for Pre-Employment Screening (September 1990)
Worker Training: Competing in the New International Economy (September 1990)
See also Alternative fuels; Electric power; International relations and technology transfer; Oil, gas, and mineral resources; Transportation
Building Energy Efficiency (May 1992)
Energy Efficiency: Challenges and Opportunities for Electric Utilities (September 1993)
Energy Efficiency in Federal Facilities: Update on Funding and Potential Savings (May 1994)
Energy Efficiency in the Federal Government: Government by Good Example? (May 1991)
Energy Efficiency of Buildings in Cities (March 1982)
Energy Efficiency Technologies for Central and Eastern Europe (May 1993)
Improving Automobile Fuel Economy: New Standards, New Approaches (October 1991)
Industrial Energy Efficiency (August 1993)
Residential Energy Conservation (July 1979)
Retiring Old Cars: Programs To Save Gasoline and Reduce Emissions (July 1992)
Saving Energy in U.S. Transportation (July 1994)
See also Alternative fuels; Electric power; International relations and technology transfer; Nuclear energy; Oceans and oceanography; Oil, gas, and mineral resources
An Analysis of the ERDA Plan and Program (October 1978)
Analysis of the Proposed National Energy Plan (August 1977)
Comparative Analysis of the 1976 ERDA Plan and Program (May 1976)
Energy From Biological Processes (July 1980)
Energy from Biological Processes: Volume II-Technical and Environmental Analyses (September 1980)
Energy in Developing Countries (January 1991)
Energy Technology Choices: Shaping Our Future (July 1991)
Fueling Development: Energy Technologies for Developing Countries (April 1992)
Fueling Reform: Energy Technologies for the Former East Bloc (July 1994)
Industrial and Commercial Cogeneration (February 1983)
Industrial Energy Use (June 1983)
Power Sources for Remote Arctic Applications (June 1994)
Renewing Our Energy Future (September 1995)
See also Health and health technology
The Department of Defense Kuwait Oil Health Fire Risk Assessment (The "Persian Gulf Veterans' Registry") (September 1994)
The Department of Veterans Affairs Persian Gulf Veterans' Health Registry (September 1993)
Gauging Control Technology and Regulatory Impacts in Occupational Safety and Health: An Appraisal of OSHA's Analytic Approach (September 1995)
Passive Smoking in the Workplace: Selected Issues (May 1986)
Preventing Illness and Injury in the Workplace (April 1985)
Reproductive Health Hazards in the Workplace (December 1985)
Reproductive Health Hazards in the Workplace: Selected Aspects of Reproductive Health Hazards Regulations (October 1985)
See also Agricultural technology; Alternative fuels; Climate change; Competitiveness; Forests and forestry; Hazardous waste; Oceans and oceanography; Waste management
Acid Rain and Transported Air Pollutants: Implications for Public Policy (May 1984)
An Alaskan Challenge: Native Village Sanitation (May 1994)
Alaskan Water for California?: The Subsea Pipeline Option (January 1992)
Beneath the Bottom Line: Agricultural Approaches To Reduce Agrichemical Contamination of Groundwater (November 1990)
Catching Our Breath: Next Steps for Reducing Urban Ozone (July 1989)
Dioxin Treatment Technologies (November 1991)
Environmental Policy Tools: A User's Guide (September 1995)
Environmental Protection in the Federal Coal Leasing Program (May 1984)
Environmental Technology: Analysis of Selected Federal R&D Programs (July 1995)
EPA Superfund Actions and ATSDR Public Health Data (July 1995)
Green Products by Design: Choices for a Cleaner Environment (September 1992)
Protecting the Nation's Groundwater from Contamination-Vol. I (October 1984)
Protecting the Nation's Groundwater from Contamination-Vol. II (October 1984)
A Review of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Research Outlook FY 1976 Through 1980 (August 1976)
Science and Technology Issues in Coastal Ecotourism (October 1992)
Technologies for Prehistoric and Historic Preservation (September 1986)
Technologies for Reducing Dioxin in the Manufacture of Bleached Wood Pulp (May 1989)
Technologies for the Preservation of Prehistoric and Historic Landscapes (July 1987)
Urban Ozone and the Clean Air Act: Problems and Proposals for Change (April 1988)
Use of Models for Water Resources Management, Planning, and Policy (August 1982)
Water for Walker Lake (September 1993)
Wetlands: Their Use and Regulation (March 1984)
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