New Electric Power Technologies: Problems and Prospects for the 1990s
NTIS order #PB86-121746
Full Report ~20301K
Front Matter ~89K
Table of Contents ~5K
Overview and Findings ~67K
1: Introduction ~214K
2: Summary ~296K
3: Electric Utilities in the 1990s: Planning for an Uncertain Future ~2710K
4: New Technologies for Generating and Storing Electric Power ~3947K
5: Conventional Technologies for Electric Utilities in the 1990s ~1963K
6: The Impact of Dispersed Generation Technologies on Utility System Operations and Planning ~2351K
7: Regional Differences Affecting Technology Choices for the 1990s ~2686K
8: Conventional v. Alternative Technologies: Utility and Nonutility Decisions ~3200K
9: The Commercial Transition for Developing Electric Technologies ~616K
10: Federal Policy Options ~516K
Appendix A: Cost and Performance Tables ~1665K
Index ~214K