Catching Our Breath: Next Steps for Reducing Urban Ozone
GPO stock #052-003-01158-1
NTIS order #PB90-130451
Full Report ~7396K
Front Matter ~42K
Table of Contents ~2K
1: Summary ~641K
2: Ozone and The Clean Air Act ~198K
3: Health Effects of Ozone ~1526K
4: Effects of Ozone on Crops and Forests ~1539K
5: Lowering Ozone: Effect of Controlling Compounds and Nitrogen Volatile Organic Oxides ~311K
6: Controlling Emissions of Volatile Organic Compounds ~996K
7: New Opportunities for Controlling Ozone ~1570K
8: Policy Options ~457K
Appendix: Parameters used to Calculate Organic Compound Emissions... ~241K