Topical list
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See also Environmental protection; Nuclear energy; Superfund; Transportation; Waste management
Cleaning Up Contaminated Wood-Treating Sites (September 1995)
Complex Cleanup: The Environmental Legacy of Nuclear Weapons Production (February 1991)
Dismantling the Bomb and Managing the Nuclear Materials (September 1993)
Disposal of Chemical Weapons: Alternative Technologies (June 1992)
An Evaluation of Options for Managing Greater-Than-Class-C Low-Level Radioactive Waste (October 1988)
Finding the Rx for Managing Medical Wastes (October 1990)
From Pollution to Prevention: A Progress Report on Waste Reduction (June 1987)
Habitability of the Love Canal Area: An Analysis of the Technical Basis for the Decision on the Habitability of the Emergency Declaration Area (June 1983)
Hazards Ahead: Managing Cleanup Worker Health and Safety at the Nuclear Weapons Complex (February 1993)
Issues in Medical Waste Management (October 1988)
Long-Lived Legacy: Managing High-Level and Transuranic Waste at the DOE Nuclear Weapons Complex (May 1991)
Managing the Nation's Commercial High-Level Radioactive Waste (March 1985)
Nonnuclear Industrial Hazardous Waste: Classifying for Hazard Management (November 1981)
Nuclear Wastes in the Arctic: An Analysis of Arctic and Other Regional Impacts From Soviet Nuclear Contamination (September 1995)
Ocean Incineration: Its Role in Managing Hazardous Waste (August 1986)
Partnerships Under Pressure: Managing Commercial Low-Level Radioactive Waste (November 1989)
Serious Reduction of Hazardous Waste: for Pollution Prevention and Industrial Efficiency (September 1986)
Technologies and Management Strategies for Hazardous Waste Control (March 1983)
See also Aging; AIDS/HIV infection; Biological research and technology; Cancer; Children's health; Disabilities; Environmental health; Information technology; Medical malpractice; Mental health; Pharmaceuticals; Women's health
The Artificial Heart: Costs, Risks, and Benefits (May 1982)
Assessing Selected Respiratory Therapy Modalities: Trends and Relative Costs in the Washington, D.C., Area (July 1981)
Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Medical Technologies (September 1978)
Benefit Design in Health Care Reform: Clinical Preventive Services (September 1993)
Benefit Design in Health Care Reform: Patient Cost-Sharing (September 1993)
Benefit-And-Cost Analysis of Medical Interventions: The Case of Cimetidine and Peptic Ulcer Disease (September 1981)
Blood Policy and Technology (January 1985)
The Boston Elbow (November 1984)
Cardiac Radionuclide Imaging and Cost Effectiveness (May 1982)
Compensation for Vaccine-Related Injuries (November 1980)
Compilation of Abbreviations and Terms (September 1993)
Computer Technology in Medical Education and Assessment (September 1979)
The Contact Lens Industry: Structure, Competition, and Public Policy (December 1984)
The Continuing Challenge of Tuberculosis (September 1993)
Cost Benefit/Cost Effectiveness of Medical Technologies: A Case Study of Orthopedic Joint Implants (September 1981)
Cost Effectiveness of Automated Multichannel Chemistry Analyzers (May 1981)
The Cost Effectiveness of Bone Marrow Transplant Therapy and Its Policy Implications (May 1981)
The Cost Effectiveness of Digital Subtraction Angiography in the Diagnosis of Cerebrovascular Disease (May 1985)
Cost Effectiveness of Influenza Vaccination (December 1981)
The Cost Effectiveness of Upper Gastrointestinal Endoscopy (May 1981)
The Costs and Effectiveness of Nurse Practitioners (July 1981)
Coverage of Laser Technology by Health Insurers (August 1995)
Coverage of Preventive Services: Provisions of Selected Current Health Care Reform Proposals (September 1993)
Defining "Rural" Areas: Impact on Health Care Policy and Research (July 1989)
Development of Medical Technology: Opportunities for Assessment (August 1976)
Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) and the Medicare Program: Implications for Medical Technology (July 1983)
Does Health Insurance Make a Difference? (September 1992)
The Effectiveness and Costs of Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis (CAPD) (September 1985)
Effects of Federal Policies on Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy (May 1986)
Evaluation of the Oregon Medicaid Proposal (May 1992)
The Feasibility of Economic Evaluation of Diagnostic Procedures: The Case of CT Scanning (April 1981)
Federal Policies and the Medical Devices Industry (November 1984)
Forecasts of Physician Supply and Requirements (April 1980)
Formal Analysis, Policy Formulation, and End-Stage Renal Disease (April 1981)
Four Common X-Ray Procedures: Problems and Prospects for Economic Evaluation (April 1982)
Health Care in Rural America (September 1990)
Health Care Technology and Its Assessment in Eight Countries (February 1995)
Health Insurance: The Hawaii Experience (June 1993)
The Hemodialysis Equipment and Disposables Industry (December 1984)
Home Drug Infusion Therapy Under Medicare (May 1992)
Hospital Financing in Seven Countries (May 1995)
Identifying Health Technologies That Work: Searching for Evidence (September 1994)
Impact of Health Reform on Rural Areas: Lessons From the States (September 1995)
The Impact of Randomized Clinical Trials on Health Policy and Medical Practice (August 1983)
The Implications of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Medical Technology (August 1980)
The Implications of Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Medical Technology: Methodological Issues and Literature Review (September 1980)
An Inconsistent Picture: A Compilation of Analyses of Economic Impacts of Competing Approaches to Health Care Reform by Experts and Stakeholders (June 1993)
Indian Health Care (April 1986)
Intensive Care Units (ICUs): Clinical Outcomes, Costs, and Decisionmaking (November 1984)
International Comparisons of Administrative Costs in Health Care (September 1994)
International Health Statistics: What the Numbers Mean for the United States (September 1994)
Managed Care and Competitive Health Care Markets: The Twin Cities Experience (July 1994)
The Management of Health Care Technology in Ten Countries (October 1980)
The Market for Wheelchairs: Innovations and Federal Policy (November 1984)
Medical Devices and the Veterans Administration (February 1985)
Medical Monitoring and Screening in the Workplace: Results of a Survey (September 1991)
Medical Technology and the Costs of the Medicare Program (July 1984)
Medical Technology Under Proposals To Increase Competition in Health Care (October 1982)
Medical Testing and Health Insurance (August 1988)
Medicare's Prospective Payment System: Strategies for Evaluating Cost, Quality, and Medical Technology (October 1985)
MEDLARS and Health Information Policy (September 1982)
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Imaging Technology: A Clinical, Industrial, and Policy Analysis (September 1984)
Nurse Practitioners, Physician Assistants, and Certified Nurse-Midwives: A Policy Analysis (December 1986)
Outpatient Immunosuppressive Drugs Under Medicare (July 1991)
Payment for Physician Services: Strategies for Medicare (February 1986)
Periodontal Disease: Assessing the Effectiveness and Costs of the Keyes Technique (May 1981)
Policy Implications of Medical Information Systems (December 1977)
Policy Implications of the Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner (November 1978)
Policy Implications of the Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner: An Update (January 1981)
Preventive Health Services for Medicare Beneficiaries: Policy and Research Issues (February 1990)
The Quality of Medical Care: Information for Consumers (June 1988)
Recombinant Erythropoietin: Payment Options for Medicare (May 1990)
A Review of Selected Federal Vaccine and Immunization Policies, Based on Case Studies of Pneumococcal Vaccine (September 1979)
Review of the Medical Follow-Up Agency (September 1994)
Rural Emergency Medical Services (November 1989)
The Safety, Efficacy, and Cost Effectiveness of Therapeutic Apheresis (July 1983)
Selected Topics in Federal Health Statistics (June 1979)
Strategies for Medical Technology Assessment (September 1982)
Technologies for Managing Urinary Incontinence (July 1985)
Technology Transfer at the National Institutes of Health (March 1982)
Tools for Evaluating Health Technologies: Five Background Papers (September 1994)
Understanding Estimates of National Health Expenditures Under Health Reform (May 1994)
Understanding Estimates of the Impact of Health Reform on the Federal Budget (July 1994)
Universal Health Insurance and Uninsured People: Effects on Use and Cost (September 1994)
Update of Federal Activities Regarding the Use of Pneumococcal Vaccine (May 1984)
Variations in Hospital Length of Stay: Their Relationship to Health Outcomes (August 1983)
World Population and Fertility Planning Technologies: The Next 20 Years (February 1982)
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