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Load Definition

  The association of a FEMGEN load with an ANSYS step is achieved via the FEMGEN loadcase number argument in the 'PROPERTY LOAD' command.

All FEMGEN load commands have the following form:

PROPERTY LOAD load_type [load_name] [loadcase_no] part_name/ALL args

Argument Meaning
load_type Load type (e.g. PRESSURE).
load_name Optional load name identifier (for reference purposes).
loadcase_no Optional FEMGEN loadcase No. (ANSYS step).
part_name/ALL Geometric part to which load is applied.
args Varying arguments depending on load_type
Table 7.1: FEMGEN load command arguments.


Notes on advanced loading:

The following load types are supported:

Generic Load Type FEMGEN Load Type Application
Uniform Pressure PRESSURE Element faces.
Concentrated Force FORCE Nodes.
Prescribed Displacement DISPLACE Nodes.
Gravity GRAVITY Whole elements.
Temperature TEMPERAT Nodes.
Hydrostatic Pressure HYDROSTA Element faces.
Centrifugal Force CENTRIFU Whole elements.
Heat Flow Rate HEATFLOW Nodes.
Heat Flux HEATFLUX Element faces.
Convection CONV Element faces.
Heat Generation Rate HEATGEN Whole elements.
Table 7.2: ANSYS Load Types Supported

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