Payment for Physician Services: Strategies for Medicare
NTIS order #PB86-182011
Full Report ~4116K

Front Matter ~38K
Table of Contents and Glossary ~30K
1: Summary and Policy Options ~523K
2: Physician Payment Under the Medicare Program: Problems and Changing Context ~356K
3: Overview of Alternative Physician Payment Methods Under Medicare: A Framework for Evaluation ~163K
4: Modifications to Customary, Prevailing, and Reasonable Charge Payment ~584K
5: Payment Based on Fee Schedules ~205K
6: Payment for Packages of Services ~220K
7: Cavitation Payment ~1083K
A: Method of the Study ~18K
B: Acknowledgments and Health Program Advisory Committee ~26K
C: Medicare and Medicaid Payment for Physicians' Services ~158K
D: Private Sector Approaches to Physician Payment ~133K
References ~692K