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Chulbom Lee Tel: 609-258-6253
Fax: 609-258-6746

59 Frick Building
Department of Chemistry
Princeton University
Princeton, NJ 08544

2001-Present Assistant Professor
Department of Chemistry, Princeton University
1999-2001 Postdoctoral Fellow
The Sloan-Kettering Institute for Cancer Research
1992-1998 Ph.D. in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, Stanford University
1991-1992 Research and Teaching Assistant
The Institute for Basic Research (SNU)
1984-1990 B.S and M.S. in Chemistry
Department of Chemistry, Seoul National University
2002 Synthesis/Synlett Journal Award, Thieme Publishers
1999-2001 Postdoctoral Fellowship, US Army Breast Cancer Research Program
1997-1998 Pharmacia & Upjohn Graduate Fellowship
1997 The Roche Award for Excellence in Organic Chemistry
1996-1997 Franklin Veatch Fellowship, Stanford University