The following is an updated list of University employee retirements.
Effective Apr. 1: In the Office of the Vice President for Facilities, director, organizational effectiveness and communications Victoria Ridge, after 37 years.
Effective May 1: In Research and Project Administration, assistant director for grants and contracts Marcia Black, after 10 years; in the Woodrow Wilson School, accounts payable coordinator Eslin Brown, after 16 years; in Astrophysical Sciences, professional specialist Michael Carr, after 25 years; in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), head, fabrication group Lawrence Dudek, after 37 years; in PPPL, principal research physicist Dennis Mueller, after 41 years; in Frick Lab, Special Facilities, lead maintenance technician Dominick Sferra, after 35 years; in the Library, special collections assistant IV Donald Simon, after 19 years; in PPPL, principal research physicist Daren Stotler, after 31 years; in PPPL, engineering associate II Kenneth Tindall Sr., after 42 years; in PPPL, principal research physicist Stewart Zweben, after 33 years.
Effective June 1: in the Office of Information Technology, administrative professional 03 Alberta Noon, after 20 years.
Effective July 1: in PPPL, principal research physicist Kenneth Hill, after 40 years; in the Pace Center, business manager Carey Hoover, after 22 years; in the Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials, senior technical support staff II Donald Schoorman, after 18 years.
Effective Sept. 1: in the Art Museum, associate director for information and technology Janet Strohl-Morgan, after 19 years.