The following is an updated list of University employee retirements.
Effective Mar. 1: in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, senior associate director, governance Sandra Gillette, after 19 years; in Advancement, stewardship coordinator Christine Hill, after 16 years; in University Health Services, director of employee health and assistant director of medical services Sara Ingraffia, after 16 years; in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), senior engineer John Lawson, after 33 years; in the Library, librarian III Arthur Miller, after 29 years; in PPPL, senior technician David Moser, after 32 years; in the Office of Admission, admissions specialist Spencer Reynolds, after 41 years.
Effective Apr. 1: In the Office of the Dean of the College, administrative assistant Rosemarie Maze, after 31 years; in Human Resources, senior retirement specialist Elaine Richards, after 13 years; in the Library, librarian Richard Schulz, after 39 years.
Effective May 1: in University Health Services, client service representative Annemarie Poemer, after 10 years.