Planning for Princeton’s Future
Princeton University’s strategic planning framework guides the University in its ongoing efforts to enhance Princeton’s core commitments to excellence in teaching and research and to such bedrock principles as affordability, diversity, inclusivity, and service.

The Strategic Framework
The Board of Trustees first adopted the University’s strategic framework in 2016 and has reaffirmed its commitment to the framework with updates in 2019 and 2023.
Strategic Framework Update June 2023 (.pdf)
Strategic Framework Update June 2019 (.pdf)
Princeton University Framework 2016 (.pdf)
An Overview of 2023 Updates
The board’s most recent update to the framework underscored Princeton’s commitment to “support human flourishing” as the world pursues a path toward integrating new technologies with cultural norms and social practices.
That project of integration will require strong continued investment in the humanities and social sciences, the trustees said, as well as encouraging new modes of interdisciplinary coordination with engineering and the natural sciences “in lively connection to the world beyond.”

Strategic Plan -- quote
Princeton University’s long-standing mission — as a residential research university committed to an expansive vision of the liberal arts that encompasses engineering — is robust, valuable, and important to the world.
Princeton University Board of Trustees,
from the University’s strategic framework update, June 2023

The Planning Process
Princeton University’s Board of Trustees adopted the strategic framework in 2016 and has chosen to complete its quadrennial reviews in connection with its board retreat, which occurs once every four years, most recently in 2023.
The board hears updates on major initiatives identified in the framework, examines significant trends relevant to the framework and its goals, considers the state of the University’s academic enterprise and resources, and explores new developments and questions pertinent to the framework’s vitality and deserving of the University’s attention.
Selected materials from the planning process, which began in 2014:

We need to be thinking, as an institution where every student and faculty member who comes onto this campus is blessed by virtue of the opportunities that they have, about how we translate that position into things that matter for the common good.
Princeton University President Christopher L. Eisgruber,
in remarks announcing the strategic planning process on Feb. 10, 2014,
at the Council of the Princeton University Community

Mission Statement
Princeton University advances learning through scholarship, research, and teaching of unsurpassed quality, with an emphasis on undergraduate and doctoral education that is distinctive among the world’s great universities, and with a pervasive commitment to serve the nation and the world.