Students laughing as they walk across campus

One Community

Tigers of All Stripes

Connect with your fellow students and alumni across shared interests and differences, from your faith and values to your cultural identity and favorite sports.

Lifelong Connections

Four students pose for camera at Department of Economics barbeque in tent.

Friendships & Memories to Last a Lifetime

Students come to the University from all over the world. By the time they leave, they are Princetonians who have learned and grown personally and intellectually, and who have developed deep bonds that keep them coming back to campus for the rest of their lives.

Arts & Culture

At Princeton, the arts shine across campus. Let your imagination soar, explore and create.

Monster Mash: Exhibition by Caroline Weaver

Mar 25
8:00 a.m.
Monster Mash is an exhibition of both painterly and sculptural works by senior Caroline Weaver '25, a neuroscience major and visual arts minor. Weaver’s work…

locus: Exhibition by Corey Segal

Mar 25
8:00 a.m.
locus is an exhibition of recent work by architecture major and visual arts minor Corey Segal '25. Gallery open weekdays 8 AM-8:30 PM; weekends 9 AM-8:30 PM.…

Etienne Charles – Untold Stories: Deepening Context and Spreading Awareness Through Ethnography, Composition and Performance

Mar 25
12:00 p.m.
Trinidad born Etienne Charles is a performer, composer and storyteller, who is continuously searching for untold stories and sounds with which to tell them.…


As an NCAA Division I school and a member of the Ivy League, Princeton student-athletes perform at a high-level inside and outside the classroom.

Living in Princeton, N.J.

Tree-lined streets, specialty shops, restaurants, parks and a friendly and safe atmosphere all make Princeton a wonderful place to spend time in.

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Housing & Dining

Most undergraduate and graduate students live on campus, and the University offers a variety of housing and dining options.

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Activities & Organizations

With more than 300 student organizations, there is something for everyone to pursue their interests outside the classroom.

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Cultural & Affinity Groups

Students explore their own cultures and learn about peers’ cultures through cultural and affinity-based student centers and groups.

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Health & Wellness

Princeton strives to create an environment that enhances the health and well-being of all who study and work at the University. Health and wellness services include comprehensive counseling, fitness and medical services. 

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Religious Life

Many faith communities thrive on campus. Individuals can practice and explore their faith, get spiritual counseling, and participate in interfaith activities such as meditation and civic engagement.

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  • Students serving at the Farminary

    Community Action participants work at the Farminary program in Lawrenceville, New Jersey. 

  • Students measuring wood for trimming

    Princeton students volunteer with Habitat for Humanity during Community Action.

  • Princeton student and high school student look at handout together

    Princeton students share what they're learning about political theory with students at the STEM to Civics Charter School in Ewing, New Jersey.

Serving the Public Good

Service is infused in the lives of Princetonians — students engage in service activities beginning with Orientation, faculty partner with nonprofit organizations to study a societal issue in their research or through a class, employees volunteer with local organizations, and alumni often dedicate their lives to service.

  • Photo of students moving in to Rocky dorm
  • Photo of students and families moving into dorm room
  • Photo of friends and families at reunions posing at table
  • Photo of Parents congratulating their daughter at Commencement with a kiss


When a student enrolls at Princeton, their family becomes part of our community too. Families can take part in campus activities and in alumni programs across the globe.