Name: Daniel Claro
Position: Visual resources curator for the School of Architecture. Managing the school's analog and digital archives, which include works on paper from c. 1920 to 1970, cassette and videotape collections, and about seven terabytes worth of data. Serving as the audiovisual specialist in the building, resident photographer and also webmaster of the new School of Architecture website.
Quote: "I really like working collaboratively. Great things come out of the challenge of being productive and trying to keep up with Princeton faculty. I also try to keep an open mind in the most stressful of times so that I can respond effectively. Communication is so important, and a professional attitude goes a long way."
Other interests: Studying history (including his recently completed Ph.D. in history and material culture at the University of Delaware). Pursuing his hobbies — bass guitar, bicycling and photography. Spending time with his wife and his daughter, who just turned one.