The University has decided to provide free flu shots for all interested students, faculty and staff. Any student who received and was charged for a flu shot at McCosh Health Center recently will be reimbursed. Any student who needs a flu shot should attend a walk-in clinic from 1 to 7 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 8, in Frist Multipurpose Room B. Bring your University identification card.
Faculty and staff members who have appointments for flu shots on Nov. 1 and 2 should keep their appointments and will not be charged for flu shots. Anyone who has paid for a flu shot will be reimbursed. Faculty and staff who were unable to obtain an appointment should attend the walk-in clinic on Nov. 8 at Frist and bring University identification card.
Any University member who is unable to attend the Nov. 8 walk-in clinic but is in need of a flu shot, should set up an appointment by calling McCosh Health Center after Nov. 8. Students should call 8-5357; faculty and staff should call 8-5035.
Meningitis shots will be available also at the clinic at the regular cost of $85.