- Ruan, Y., S. Bell, and D. W. Forsyth, Teleseismic Rayleigh wave
tomography of the Juan de Fuca plate. OBS Workshop -- IRIS,
Los Angeles, CA, 2013.
- Bell, S., D. W. Forsyth, and Y. Ruan, Addressing tilt and compliance
noise in the Cascadia Experiments. OBS Workshop -- IRIS,
Los Angeles, CA, 2013.
- Ruan, Y., S. Bell, and D. W. Forsyth, Sediment shear velocity structure
from seafloor compliance using microseisms noises. Cascadia
Initiative (CI) Mini-workshop, Los Angeles, CA, 2013.
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, Towards finite-frequency tomography of 3D
anelasticity (Q) using Rayleigh waves. Interior of The Earth --
Gordon Research Conferences, South Hadley, MA, 2013.
- Ruan, Y., Towards a simultaneous inversion for 3D anelasticity and
wave speed using surface waves. Columbia University, 2013 (Invited).
- Ruan, Y., Cyber-Enabled Seismology: Imaging 3-D Anelasticity and
Wavespeed of the Earth's Deep Interior. Penn State Univerisity, 2013
- Ruan, Y., Towards global finite-frequency surface-wave
tomography of 3D anelasticity and wave speed. Brown University, 2012 (Invited).
- Ruan, Y., Surface wave propagation in 3-D anelastic media.
Princeton University, 2012 (Invited).
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, Finite frequency effects of surface
waves in 3-D elastic and anelastic earth models. American Geophysical Union,
Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA.
- White-Gaynor, A., Y. Ruan and Y. Zhou, Investigating radial
models of anelasticity (Q) using normal mode and surface wave measurements.
American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2011, San Francisco, CA.
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, Surface-wave amplitudes in 3-D anelastic
model. Interior of The Earth – Gordon Research Conferences, South Hadley,
MA, 2011.
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, Investigation of surface-wave amplitudes
in 3-D velocity and 3-DQmodels. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010,
abstract S31A-2040, San Francisco, CA.
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, Towards simultaneous inversion of 3-D
velocity and 3-D anelasticity (Q) structure using surface waves. IRIS Workshop,
Snowbird, UT, 2010.
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, The effects of 3-D anelastic structure (Q)
on surface waves, Exxon Mobil Student Scientist Technology Conference,
Houston, TX, 2010.
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, The effects of 3-D Q structure on surface
waves. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, abstract S41B-1916,
San Francisco, CA.
- Kui, L., Y. Ruan, and Y. Zhou, Investigation of surface wave
propagation using SEM, CIG Workshop: Opportunities and Challenges in Computational
Geophysics, 2009, Los Angeles, CA.
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, The effects of 3-D anelasticity (Q) and
3-D velocity structure on surface waves. Interior of The Earth – Gordon Research
Conferences, South Hadley, MA, 2009
- Ruan, Y., and Y. Zhou, The effects of 3-D Q structure on surface-wave
phase delays. American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2008, abstract DI31B-1802,
San Francisco, CA.
- Ruan, Y., Y. Zhou, and S. Karato, Towards Developing Velocity-Attenuation
Models of Earth’s Mantle Incorporating Mineral Physics Observations. American
Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2007, abstract S11B-0561, San Francisco, CA