Click on the arrows to navigate through each gallery. If you have any photos of Wilson events that you would like to contribute to the site, please contact Communications Co-Chairs Diya Das and Briana Wilkins.
Wilson Day of Service: Preparing for International Day of Climate Action
While nearly 30 Wilsonites were prepared to volunteer in City Year Greater Philadelphia's Annual Serve-A-Thon, painting, landscaping, and refurbishing at the Tustin Recreational Center, the rain on October 17 put a stop to those plans. Instead 9 volunteers painted posters for the International Day of Climate Action (held the following Saturday) from 3 pm to 6 pm.
Celebrating new Wu-Wilcox with a 5K
Scott Breunig, a Butler RGS, as well as Council members and other RGSs from both Butler and Wilson colleges, organized a 5k run on September 19th at 10 am to celebrate the opening of the new Butler dorms and the Wu-Wilcox dining hall. You can find out more about the event (and photos) here.
Summer Bash 2009: Luau Edition
On May 12, 2009, the Butler and Wilson College Councils teamed up to present the annual summer bash: luau edition. Held on Poe Field, the luau was complete with inflatables, themed food, delicious desserts, and musical performances (by Butlerite Ken Grant and Wilsonite Jonathan Paranada). If you have photos from the luau that you wouldn't mind sharing, please email them to Diya Das and Daisy Zhou.
Black Box: Inauguration
On Friday, February 13, the Wilson Black Box reopened, after the construction in that part of Wilcox Hall was completed. The theme was "Inauguration." For a list of upcoming Black Box events, please click here.
Feltonville Recreational Center
On Saturday, March 14, 2009, several Wilsonites spent a day in Philadelphia helping out at the Feltonville Recreational Center. "Operation Clean Start," a community-based campaign to fix up the city's recreational centers, had identified Feltonville as in need of major physical repair. Wilsonites Andrew Hui (RGS), Destiny Ortega, and Chenyu Zheng, along with Luciana Chamorro, Qin Zhi Lau, Morgan Ong, Atanas Petkov, and Qiaochu Yuan, helped paint fences and murals, and played games with the kids.