Princeton has a rather diverse student body, and it is the job of Aparajita (PJ) Das, International Chair, to represent the interests of internationals within Wilson College.
International Mentoring Program
Currently, PJ's plans include a mentoring program to deal with cultural issues beyond those addressed in the University-wide pre-orientation program for international students. Starting in the summer/fall of 2009, incoming international students contacting her with questions will be put in touch with someone from their area or region who is best qualified to answer.
If you have questions beyond these, or have comments or suggestions regarding international-domestic student relations, please do not hesitate to contact PJ.
Language Tables
Wilson's Language Tables are in fact organized by Dr. Axcelson, our Director of Studies, but this seemed an appropriate place to mention them.
Bulgarian Language Table
Contact: Anton Koychev
Tuesdays, tentatively, at 6:30 pm in Wilcox
Chinese Language Table
Contact: Chenyu Zheng
Wednesdays, 6 pm in Wilcox
Morrocan Language Table
Please contact Dr. Axcelson for more information.