Security and Privacy
ECE 574
Instructor: Prateek Mittal
Lecture Times: Tuesday and Thursday (11am - 12:20pm)
Office hours: By appointment only
Contact: pmittal AT princeton DOT edu
Reading List
Here is an example reading list of papers. We will be updating this list with concrete papers for fall 2021 (covering a subset of these and some new ones).
Secure Public Key Infrastructures
Secure Internet Routing
Anonymous Communication
Traffic Analysis
Traffic Analysis Resilience
Censorship Techniques
Censorship Resilience
Machine Learning and Privacy: Attacks
Machine Learning and Privacy: Defenses
Machine Learning and Privacy: Differential Privacy
Machine Learning and Privacy: Differentially-private Learning
Machine Learning for Security
Machine Learning and Security: Adversarial Examples
Machine Learning and Security: Poisoning Attacks
Machine Learning and Security: Defenses
Computer Architecture and Security (time permitting, optional): Information Flow Control
Computer Architecture and Security (time permitting, optional): Leveraging hardware trust
Formal Methods and Security (time permitting, optional): Network Verification