Security and Privacy
ECE 574
Instructor: Prateek Mittal
Lecture Times: Tuesday and Thursday (11am - 12:20pm)
Office hours: By appointment only
Contact: pmittal AT princeton DOT edu
A key component of this course is to undertake a novel research project in security and privacy. Projects
can be done either individually or in teams of 2, and correspond to 60% of the course grade. We expect that
the quality of the research project would be similar to a top conference paper.
Here are the relevant deadlines for the project:
- Form Project Teams by September 7 (No more than 2 students per group. Individual projects are fine too.)
- Project idea due by September 14 (One page summary describing motivation and key ideas/proposed contributions in ACM CCS format)
- Related work report due: TBD
- Mid-term project report due: TBD
- Final project report due: TBD
You may find it useful to look at the papers in the reading list for ideas for research project.
Security and privacy research lends itself well to interdisciplinary projects, so feel free
to leverage skills, techniques, and platforms from your previous academic experience to
attack security and privacy problems. Here are some important conferences in security and
privacy that may be a good source of ideas:
Specialized venues like AISEC and DLS are also relevant. I'm also happy to suggest some project ideas, feel free to discuss with me.