Corrosion & Environmental Degradation
Table of Contents
· The diagrams show the physical processes occuring in zinc corrosion in an acidic environment together with the polarization curves associated with two of the reactions. It is assumed that the reactions are both activation polarization limited. The potential scale is refered to the hydrogen reference scale.
· In steady state, the oxidation and reduction reactions must have the same rate as charge acccumulation cannot occur in the metal. The metal is also at a uniform potential in this condition so that the overvoltage of the system is VC ( - 0.486 V) and the associated reaction current is iC ( 1.19 x 10-4 A/cm2).
· Each of the uncoupled reversible half cells in this reaction have their own electrode potentials. For the (H+/H2)system, V = 0 by definition and the equilibrium exchange current, ie, is 10-10 A/cm2. For the (Zn/Zn2+) system, 
V = - 0.763 V and ie = 10-7 A/cm2.