Bas C. van Fraassen
Epistemology (incl. probability)
Selected Papers
- "Theories and Counterfactuals", in Action, Knowledge and Reality, ed. H.N. Castaneda (Bobbs-Merrill Co., 1975).
- "Platonism's Pyrrhic Victory" (1975)
- "On the Radical Incompleteness of the Manifest Image (Comments on Sellars)", pp. 335-343 in F. Suppe and P. Asquith, eds., PSA 1976, Volume II (Philosophy of Science Association, East Lansing, 1977), pp. 335-343.
- "The Only Necessity is Verbal Necessity", Journal of Philosophy 74 (1977), pp. 71-85.
- "Essence and Existence", American Philosophical Quarterly Monograph Series No. 12 (1978).
- "Rational Belief and the Common Cause Principle", 193-209 in R. McLaughlin (ed.), What? Where? When? Why? Essays in Honour of Wesley Salmon (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1982).
- "The Charybdis of Realism: Epistemological Implications of Bell's Inequality", Synthese 5 (1982), 25-38.
- "Theory Confirmation: Tension and Conflict", pp. 319-329 in Epistemology and Philosophy of Science: Proceedings of the Seventh International Wittgenstein Symposium (Vienna: Hoelder-Pichler-Tempsky, 1983).
- "Calibration: a Frequency Justification for Personal Probability" (1983)
- "Theory Comparison and Relevant Evidence" in J. Earman (ed.), Testing Scientific Theories. Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Vol.X. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1984.
- "Glymour on Evidence and Explanation" same location as 82.
- "Belief and the Will", Journal of Philosophy 81 (1984):235-256.
- (with R.I.G. Hughes) "Symmetry Arguments in Probability Kinematics" in P. Kitcher and P. Asquith (eds.) PSA 1984, vol. 2, pp. 851-869. East Lansing, Mich.: Philosophy of Science Association, 1985.
- "Que son las leyes de la naturaleza?", Dianoia 31 (1985), pp. 211-262 (appeared in 1986).
- "The World We Speak Of, and the Language We Live In", pp. 213-221 in Philosophy and Culture: Proc. of the XVII-th World Congress of Philosophy (Montreal, 1983). Montreal: Editions du Beffroi, 1986.
- "A Problem for Relative Information Minimizers in Probability Kinematics, Continued" with R.I.G. Hughes and G. Harman, British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 37 (1986), 453-475.
- "Armstrong on Laws and Probabilities", Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 65 (1987), 243-260.
- "Symmetries in Personal Probability Kinematics" in N. Rescher (ed.) Scientific Inquiry in Philosophical Perspective. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1987, pp. 183-224.
- "Simmetrie e cinematica della probabilita personale" in M. C. Galavotti and G. Gambetta (eds.), Epistemologica ed Economia. Bologna: CLUEB, 1988, pp. 21-42.
- "The problem of old evidence", pp. 153-165 in David F. Austin (ed.), Philosophical Analysis (Dordrecht: Reidel, 1988).
- "The Problem of Old Evidence" (1988)
- "The Peculiar Effects of Love and Desire" (1988) This is my own favorite paper
- "Figures in a Probability Landscape", pp. 345-356 in Dunn, M. and Gupta, A. (eds.) Truth or Consequences. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1990.
- "Figures in a Probability Landscape" (1990)
- "Time in physical and narrative structure", pp. 19-37 in J.Bender and D. E. Wellbery (eds.) Chronotypes: The Construction of Time. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1991.
- "La credenza e il problema di Ulisse e le Sirene", pp. 77-106 in A. E. Galeotti (ed.) Individui e Istituzioni. Torino: La Rosa Editrice, 1992.
- "Faire figure dans un monde probabiliste" (translation of a modified version of #108), 307-322 in Daniel Laurier and Francois Lepage (eds.), Essais sur le Langage et l'Intentionalite'. Montreal: Bellarmin, 1992; Paris: Vrin, 1992.
- "From Vicious Circle to Infinite Regress and Back Again", Philosophy of Science 29 (1993).
- "From Vicious Circle to Infinite Regress and Back Again" (1993)
- "Belief and the problem of Ulysses and the Sirens", Philosophical Studies 77 (1995), 7-37 (this paper overlaps published item 117).
- "Belief and the Problem of Ulysses and the Sirens" Philosophical Studies 77 (1995): 7-37.
- "Fine-grained opinion, probability, and the logic of belief", Journal of Philosophical Logic, 24 (1995), 349-377.
- "Fine-Grained Opinion, Probability, and the Logic of Full Belief" (1995)
- "Science, probability, and the proposition", PSA94, vol. 2, pp. 339-348. East Lansing, MI: Philosophy of Science Association, 1995.
- "'World' is not a count noun", Nous 29 (1995), 139-157.
- "'World' is not a count noun" (1995)
- "Science, Materialism, and False Consciousness", pp. 149-181 in Jonathan Kvanvig (ed.) Warrant in Contemporary Epistemology: Essays in Honor of Alvin Plantinga's Theory of Knowledge. Rowman Littlefield, 1996.
- "Science, Materialism, and False Consciousness", pp. 149-181 in Jonathan Kvanvig (ed.) Warrant in Contemporary Epistemology: Essays in Honor of Alvin Plantinga's Theory of Knowledge. Rowman Littlefield, 1996.
- "Structure and perspective: philosophical perplexity and paradox", pp. 511-530 in M. L. Dalla Chiara et al. (eds.) Logic and Scientific Methods. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1997.
- "Elgin on Lewis' Putnam's Paradox", Journal of Philosophy 94 (1997), 85-93.
- "Putnam's Paradox: Metaphysical Realism Revamped and Evaded", Philosophical Perspectives, vol. 11 (Boston: Blackwell, 1997), pp. 17-42.
- "Putnam's Paradox: Metaphysics Revamped and Evaded" (1997)
- "A Defense of Van Fraassen's Critique of Abductive Inference" (1997): Reply to Psillos -- (with I. Douven, L. Horsten, and J. Ladyman) abstract only
- "Sola experientia? Feyerabend's Refutation of Classical Empiricism", Philosophy of Science 64 (1997), S385-S395.
- "The agnostic subtly probabilified", Analysis 58 (1998), 212-220.
- "The False Hopes of Traditional Epistemology", Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 60 (2000): 253-280.
- "How is scientific revolution/conversion possible?", Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association 73 (1999 -- appeared in 2000), 63-80.
- "The Manifest Image and the Scientific Image", pp. 29-52 in D. Aerts (ed.). Einstein Meets Magritte: The White Book -- An Interdisciplinary Reflection. Dordrecht: Kluwer, 1999.
- "The Manifest Image and the Scientific Image" (1999).
- "The Day of the Dolphins: Puzzling Over Epistemic Partnership" (2005), pp. 111-133 in A. Irvine and K. Peacock, eds., Mistakes of Reason. University of Toronto Press, 2005.
- "Representation: the Problem for Structuralism", Philosophy of Science 73 (2006), pp. 536-547.
- "One Hundred and Fifty Years of Philosophy" (a satire), Topoi (2006): 123-127.
- "Identity over time: objective, subjective", (with I. Peschard), Philosophical Quarterly, 2008.