List of Tables
List of Figures
Filled Contours
Graph Plots
Light source shading
Definition of a cylindrical coordinate system
Definition of a rectangular coordinate system
Definition of a spherical coordinate system
Definition of Toll
Definition of a body load mask
Definition of a global load mask in the X direction
Definition of an inverse global load mask in the X direction
Definition of a global load mask with local coordinate system
Definition of a line load mask
Definition of an INVERSE line load mask
Definition of a surface load mask
Definition of an INVERSE surface load mask
Flat surface with four straight sides
Flat surface with two straight sides and two constant radius arc sides
Cylindrical surface with two straight sides and two constant radius arc sides
Flat surface with one constant radius arc and one degenerate side
Definition of a BODY space curve
Example BODY CORNERS space curve
Definition of a global space curve in the X direction
Definition of a global space curve with local coordinate system
Definition of a line space curve
TRIANGLE line space curve
PARABOLA line space curve
PARABOLA line space curve
ELIPSE line space curve
NORMAL line space curve
SINE line space curve
ANTISINE line space curve
LIST line space curve
Half PARABOLA line space curve
Definition of a surface CORNERS space curve
Definition of a surface LINE space curve
Evaluation of SURFACE LINE space curve
Flat surface with four straight sides
Flat surface with two straight sides and two constant radius arc sides
Cylindrical surface with two straight sides and two constant radius arc sides
Flat surface with one constant radius arc and one degenerate side
SURFACE LINE space curve
The two sets for COMPLEMENT
The resulting set
The two sets for INTERSECT
The resulting set
Four points defining a box
Analytical Cone
Analytical Cylinder
Defining a plane from three points
Analytical Sphere
Definition of a time curve
LIST time curve
STEP time curve
RAMP time curve
SINE time curve
EXPONENT time curve
SMOOTH time curve
CYCLIC time curve
Low resolution time curve
Definition of the Mirroring Plane
Definition of the direction of rotation
Using Four Viewports
Using Two Horizontal Viewports
Locating a sub-set of the model
A body from two 4sided surfaces
A body from two 3sided surfaces
The order of input of surfaces for a body from five surfaces
The order of input of surfaces for a body from six surfaces
Geometry Copy S1 to S2. Note that no body is created.
Definition of a fillet with and without the MODIFY option
A typical filleting application
A set of inconsistently aligned surfaces, prior to a flip
A set of consistently aligned surfaces, after a flip
Definition of an arc
Definition of an ellipse
Alternative definition of an ellipse
Definition of intersection lines directly from two shapes
Definition of intersection lines directly from two shapes and one additional shape
Definition of intersection lines directly from two shapes and two additional shapes
Definition of an intersection line from three points and two shapes
Definition of a line from nodes
Definition of a spline line
Definition of a straight line
Definition of a point of intersection of three shapes
The resulting geometry
Creation of intersection surfaces directly from two shapes
Original polygons and results of different values of `angval'.
An example mesh on a region
Spacing nodes on a line using a grading value
Examples of grading control on surfaces
A mesh with the default density of 1
The effect of a larger density value
The effect of a smaller density value
A quadrilateral free mesh with the default density of 1
The effect of a smaller density value on a quadrilateral free mesh
The effect of a larger density value on a quadrilateral free mesh
Mapped mid-side nodes for QU8 elements
Exact mid-side nodes for QU8 elements
Online mid-side nodes for QU8 elements
Filled contours
Line contours
Graph plots
Displaced shape
Rigid beam MPC
Rigid connection MPC type 1
Rigid connection MPC type 2
Rigid connection using the MAPPED algorithm
Rigid connection using the PROXIMITY algorithm
Example Initial condition
Example Load
Load Data Structure
Simple Load
Load with local coordinate system added
Load with load mask added
Load with space curve added
Load with time curve added
Moving load defined by loadpath
Moving load defined by start and stop points, an increment and REVERSE
Box cross section
Beam local axis systems
Beam local axis systems
Pipe cross section
Beam local axis systems
Tsec cross section
Beam local axis systems
Usec cross section
Beam local axis systems
Time curve graph
Space curve graph
Undeveloped view
Developed view
Edge View
Hidden line with shading
Full mesh
CONNECT-1 edges applied to a hidden view
Hidden line with shrunken elements
Cross section
Femsys Limited
1st October 1999