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FEMVIEW Command only.
This command enables the user to view a plane cross-section through 3-dimensional elements. The cross-section plane may either be defined as part of the command or one or more previously defined plane(s) may be referenced.
Mode | Definition of Plane |
/CURSOR | The cursor is used twice to define a section plane that lies normal to the |
plane of the screen. | |
NODES | The user enters the numbers of three nodes that lie in the section plane. |
OLD | The most recently viewed cross-section is re-displayed. |
shape_name(s) | The named shape(s), which must be planes, are selected and the |
corresponding cross-section(s) are viewed simultaneously. Also, a global | |
plane may be specified at different offset positions and the | |
corresponding cross-sections viewed simultaneously. (See note 1). |
Displays the cross section defined by the plane containing the points identified by the cursor.
Displays the cross section defined by the plane containing nodes 23, 46 and 85.
The most recently viewed cross-section is re-displayed.
The plane shapes `Sh1', `Slice', `Slice1' and `Flange' are used to specify four cross-sections to be viewed simultaneously.
The plane shape `Refsec', which must be normal to one of the global axes, is used to specify five cross-sections to be viewed simultaneously. The positions of the sections will be the original position of `Refsec' and at offsets 5.0, 10.0. 15.0 and 20.0 along the global axes from `Refsec'.
See also the following commands
Femsys Limited