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The MESHING TYPES command is used to define the type of element that will be created on existing parts of the geometry when a mesh is generated, it does not set a default type for future geometry creation.
Selection of the specific element types required by a particular FEM package is achieved by using either the generic element type and an element variant or by using a specific FE package element name.
Part | El_type | |
ALL | Any-type or NONE | |
STRAIGHT | 1D-type or NONE | |
ARC | 1D-type or NONE | |
SPLINE | 1D-type or NONE | |
3SIDES | 2D-type or NONE | |
4SIDES | 2D-type or NONE | |
REGION | 2D-type or NONE | |
4SURFS | 3D-type or NONE | |
5SURFS | 3D-type or NONE | |
6SURFS | 3D-type or NONE | |
PRISM | 3D-type or NONE | |
GBODY | 3D-type or NONE | |
point_name | P-EL or NONE | |
Line_name | 1D-type or NONE | |
Surface_name | 2D-type or NONE + BASE | |
Body_name | 3D-type or NONE + BASE | |
Set_name | Any type or NONE |
Return Level: MESHING TYPES except for Part ALL which returns to the top level.
The operation of this commmand depends on whether an analysis specific environment has been selected.
FEMGEN Neutral environment
When the FEMGEN neutral environment is active (as shown by `Analysis: NEUTRAL' in the monitor) then element types are selected with the generic element type and, optionally, a variant number.
FEM Specific analysis environment
When a specific FEM analysis environment is active (as shown by `Analysis: FEM package name, then element types can be selected in three ways:
A specific FEM analysis environment can be selected with the PROPERTY FE Program_name command or by using the environment variable `FG_PRE_INT=fem package'. Please refer to the Workstation User Guide for more information on environment variables.
See also Note 6 below.
It is possible to select different defaults for the element variants by use of the Resource Manager file. (Please refer to the Installation and Customisation Guide for more details).
For each supported FEM-program and each FEMGEN geometric element type, there are a number of element variants. The element types that are supported and their variant numbers can be listed with the command UTILITY TABULATE FE [Program_Name] [El_type].
Only QU4, QU9, QU9 or QU12 elements may be specified for surfaces created with the GEOMETRY SURFACE REGION command and with meshing algorithm set to PAVING.
Only HE8, HE20, HE27 or HE32 elements may be specified for bodies (prisms) created by sweeping surfaces created with the GEOMETRY SURFACE REGION command and with meshing algorithm set to PAVING.
For the case in which an interface element type has been specified for a named body, the optional keyword BASE may be used in order to redefine the base surface for that body. The base surface of a body B1 is that which is first output under the command, UTILITY TABULATE GEOMETRY B1. The base surface may be specified by name (and if so must be a constituent surface of the definition of the body to which the command has been applied), or by an integer index from 1 to 6. For 5-surfaced bodies or prisms, the first or second surfaces in the body definition may be used [index 1 or 2], whereas for 6-surfaced bodies, any of the surfaces in the body definition may be used [index 1,2,3,4,5 or 6].
The BASE keyword may only be applied to prisms, and bodies of 5 or 6 surfaces.
For the case in which an interface element type has been specified for a named 4-sided surface, the optional keyword BASE may be used in order to redefine the base line for that surface. The base line of a surface S4 is that which is first output under the command, UTILITY TABULATE GEOMETRY S4. The base line may be specified by name (and if so must be a constituent line of the definition of the surface to which the command has been applied), or by an integer index from 1 to 4.
The BASE keyword may only be applied to 4-sided surfaces.
Rules for Divisions
Also, all sides connecting the top and bottom surfaces must have an equal number of divisions.
Elements on surface S1 will be type QU8 and by default will be variant 1.
All 3D Elements will be type HE20 variant 2.
All 3D Elements will be ABAQUS element type C3D20, provided that the ABAQUS analysis environment has been selected.
Elements on line L1 will be type BE2. Variant 4 will be used in analysis.
All elements on all triangular surfaces will be TR6 variant 3.
All elements on all regions will be type TR15.
All elements of all prisms will be ANSYS element type SOLID73, provided that the ANSYS analysis environment has been selected.
The elements on body B12 will be interface element type IS44, variant 1, with B12 redefined with a base surface of S14.
The elements on body B14 will be interface element type IS84, with B14 redefined with base surface to be the second surface referenced in the current definition of B14.
The elements on surface S7 will be interface element type IL32 variant 7, with S7 redefined with base line to be the fourth line referenced in the current definition of S7.
See also the following commands
Femsys Limited