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This command is used to define new surfaces or to redefine existing surfaces. If an existing surface is redefined then the position of any existing parts whose definition depends on the surface will change automatically. The use of the commands ELEMENTS, 3POINTS, 4POINTS, 3SIDES, 4SIDES, and SIDE-PNT is optional (except where defining points or lines are to be picked with the cursor). The command processor is able to determine which option is required from the additional parameters which follow. Once a surface has been defined using one of these commands, the command processor assumes that further surfaces are to be entered and remains at the GEOMETRY SURFACE level. From this level, further surfaces may be defined or a different primary command may be selected.

Surfaces may also be generated automatically when the GEOMETRY SWEEP command is used to sweep one or more lines.

When adjacent geometric parts with no common geometry need to be joined, it may be necessary to use the MESHING MERGE command to ensure that the final mesh is continuous across the boundary.

GEOMETRY SURFACE has the following sub-commands: GEOMETRY SURFACE AUTOMATIC - Automatic generation of surfaces
from existing lines GEOMETRY SURFACE ELEMENTS - From a set of elements GEOMETRY SURFACE INTERSECT - Surfaces direct from intersections
of analytical shapes GEOMETRY SURFACE ONSHAPE - Automatic sub-division of plane
polygons into surfaces GEOMETRY SURFACE REGION - Surfaces bounded by sets of lines
with optional internal holes GEOMETRY SURFACE SIDE-PNT - One side and one point definition GEOMETRY SURFACE 3POINTS - Three point definition GEOMETRY SURFACE 3SIDES - Three side definition GEOMETRY SURFACE 4POINTS - Four point definition GEOMETRY SURFACE 4SIDES - Four side definition


In-line editing of surface definitions
The commands GEOMETRY surface_name /EDIT and GEOMETRY /PICK-S /EDIT will cause up to 80 characters from the definition of the specified or picked surface to be loaded into the input buffer for in-line editing.

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Femsys Limited
1st October 1999