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  This commands enables the user to tabulate or inquire various information about the current model.

FEMGEN Command.                                                                                                                                                    

Control Name Comments
GEOMETRY STATUS Lists FEMGEN geometry status.
Additionally displays the smallest distance
between start and end points of all lines
within the current model
(MINIMUM LINE SPAN), the smallest
distance between start and end points of
all lines contained in bodies within the
current model (MINIMUM BODY SPAN)
and the smallest distance between start
and end points of all lines contained
in surfaces within the current model
POINTS   ALL or Lists points associated with the
Part name specified part. Default is ALL.
Further the user can ask for just the
coordinates (with COOR), the point
dependencies (with DEPEND), the point
properties (with PROPERTY) or all
these together with ALL. The default
is COOR.
           LINES ALL or Lists lines associated with the specified
Part name part. Default is ALL.
LCMB ALL or Lists combined lines associated with the
Part name specified part. Default is ALL.
SURFACES ALL or Lists surfaces associated with the
Part name specified part. Default is ALL.
REGION Lists all those surfaces that are regions.
Alternatively, lists regions associated
with a specified part.
BODIES ALL or Lists bodies associated with the
Part name specified part. Default is ALL.
PRISM Lists all those bodies that are prisms.
Alternatively, lists prisms associated
with a specified part.
GBODY Lists all general bodies.
Alternatively, lists general bodies that
are associated with a specified part.

Control Name Comments
/PICK Allows the cursor to be used to select
the parts to be listed
FE [ABAQUS] Generic Lists FEMGEN finite element
[ANSYS] elem types for licensed interface programs
[ASAS] type (which are controlled by the keyfile).
[ASKA] The default for FE package is the
[DIANA] current analysis environment (as
[DYNA3D] shown in the monitor).
[FS2] The default for generic element type
[NASTRAN] is all available element types.
etc ...
MESH NODES ALL Lists nodal point coordinates. A node
Part name number may be specified or a node
`n' picked with the cursor.
ELEMENTS ALL Lists element definitions. An element
Part name number may be specified or an element
`n' picked with the cursor.
STATUS Lists mesh status.
MERGE ALL or merge name Lists mesh merge definitions.
QUALITY Part name `FAILED' (the default) will list all
failed elements and `COMPLETE' will
list all values for all elements. Further
information on Mesh Quality is given in
Appendix J of the User Manual
TRANSFORM Name Lists the named transformations.
Default is ALL.
SHAPES Name Lists the named shapes. Default is ALL.
When NURBS shapes are being
tabulated the additional keyword NURB
provides a summary of the NURB shapes;
the keywords CONTROL, PARAMETER,
a selective tabulation. FULL will
tabulate all the relevant information.
CSYST Name Lists the named coordinate systems.
Default is ALL.
SETS Name Lists the named sets. Default is ALL.
PARAMETER Name Lists the named parameter.
Default is ALL.
TCURVE Name Lists the named time curve.
Default is ALL.
SCURVE Name Lists the named space curve.
Default is ALL.
LMASK Name Lists the named load mask.
Default is ALL.
LOADS Name Lists the named loads.
or loadcase Default is ALL.

Control Name Comments
INITIAL Name Lists the named initial condition.
Default is ALL.
MATERIALS Name Lists the named material definitions.
Default is ALL.
CONSTRNT Name Lists the named constraints.
Default is ALL.
PHYSICAL Name Lists the named physical properties.
Default is ALL.
DRAWING Lists the contents of the current drawing.
STATUS SETUP Gives the status of utility setup control parameters.
CONTENTS Gives the status of the drawing contents control parameters.
LIGHT Gives the status of the view light control parameters.
QUALITY [ALL] Gives the quality criteria and weight values for the specified
[El_type] element type. If `ALL' is selected then information for all
[CURRENT] element types will be tabulated (this is the default). If a
specific element type is selected then information for this will
be tabulated. If `CURRENT' is selected then information for the
element types encountered during the processing of the commands
will be tabulated, provided that these commands have previously
been issued. Otherwise information for all element types will be
Further information on Mesh Quality is given in Appendix K of
the User Manual Appendices.



The cursor is made available for nodes to be picked. The coordinates of the picked node are tabulated.


Information about the current mesh is tabulated including the number of nodes and elements and the maximum node difference for an element, for example:

   NODES = 38   ELEMS = 28   EBASE = 1    NBASE = 1
   NODES/ELEM = 4    NODE DIFF = 12   MAX NODES = 12000


Tabulates the definition of element 136.


This command tabulates the quality values for elements on S2 which fail.


Tabulates the points in set SIDE1 which are in any way dependent on other points, coordinate systems or transforms.


This command tabulates the current quality criteria for the PE15 element.

FEMVIEW Command.                                                          

Control Range Comments
MESH NODES ALL Lists nodal coordinates. (See note 1).
n1 n2 n3...
n1 TO n2 [STEPS n3]
IJK [BLOCK n] I n1 TO n2
... J n3 TO n4 K n5 TO n6
MESH ELEMENTS ALL Lists elements. (See note 1).
n1 n2 n3...
n1 TO n2 [STEPS n3]
IJK [BLOCK n] I n1 TO n2
... J n3 TO n4 K n5 TO n6
Set name
MESH MATERIALS n1 n2 n3... Lists materials. (See note 2).
n1 TO n2 [STEPS n3]
MESH TRANSFRMS n1 n2 n3... Lists model transformations.
n1 TO n2 [STEPS n3] (See note 2).
MESH Set_name If the set is a node set then
the nodes in the set are listed.
If the set is an element set
then the elements in the set
are listed.
LOADCASES [Load_name [Step]] Lists loadcase information.
(See note 3).
RESULTS VIEWMODE Lists values of the currently selected
n1 n2 n3... component of results for all of the
n1 TO n2 [STEPS n3] selected loadcases for the specified
ALL range of nodes or elements.
POINT x y z Lists the value of the currently selected
component of results interpolated to
the specified point. (See note 6).
DRAWINGS - Lists all saved drawings.
SETS - Lists all sets.
SHAPES - Lists all shapes or a named shape.
LINES - Lists all lines or a named line.
COORDSYS - Lists all coordinate systems
or a named coordinate system.
PRINTFILE OPEN Filename Starts/stops output of graph
CLOSE Filename and tabulated data to the
named print file. If no file
name is given then all output
will go to 'fgvlst.lst'.
STATUS RESULTS Gives the status of results range selection parameters.
PRESENT Gives the status of present option parameters.
GRAPH Gives the status of graphing control parameters.
SETUP Gives the status of utility setup control parameters.
CONTENTS Gives the status of the drawing contents control parameters.
LIGHT Gives the status of the view light control parameters.


Listing nodes and elements
With nodes, if no range is specified then the default is VIEWMODE and all visible nodes in the current model set will be listed. For a node to be `visible' it would have attached mesh lines shown as a result of the command VIEW OPTIONS EDGES ALL; (the effect of commands VIEW OPTIONS EDGES OUTLINE and VIEW OPTIONS EDGES INHIBIT is ignored). With elements, if no range is specified then the default is ALL and all elements in the current model set will be listed. The command VIEWMODE maps to ALL for elements.

When listing elements on a specified node set, then any element connected to any of the nodes in the node set will be listed.

When listing nodes on a specified element set, then all nodes that define the elements in the element set will be listed.

For both nodes and elements, if a range other than VIEWMODE or ALL is specified then the specified nodes or elements will be listed regardless of whether they form part of the current model set or not.

Listing materials and transforms
If no range is specified then all materials or transforms in the model will be listed, otherwise only those materials or transforms specified will be listed.

Listing loadcases
Loadcases are listed in the order in which they were defined. If no loadcase is specified then all loadcases in the model will be listed, otherwise the listing will start from the loadcase specified.

Multiple page plots
Where data has been listed in the single full screen viewport it is possible that, because of formatting differences, there will be more data listed to the graphics viewport than could be contained on a single page of plotter output. In this case the plotter driver will produce additional pages of output until all the data listed in the viewport has been plotted.

Multiple page tabulations
Where a tabulation contains more than one complete screen full of information a prompt will be issued and the user may continue with the next page by pressing carriage return. Alternatively, the user may issue any primary level command or a `/' to be prompted for a primary command.

This command will cause a value of the current component of results at the specified point to be interpolated from the results of the element in which the point is determined to lie. The value calculated will be written to the dialogue area and also to a print file as controlled by the command UTILITY TABULATE PRINTFILE. The format of the data written to the printfile will be free format as follows:



X, Y, Z Are the co-ordinates of the point.
VALUE The results value at the point.

The interpolation will be performed on-the-fly and no permanent data will be stored in the database. For nodal results the value is interpolated from the results at the nodes of the element containing the point. For gauss results the values at the gauss points are extrapolated to the nodes of the element prior to the interpolation being performed. For element invariant results the value at the specified point is the invariant value.

With multi-surface results the selection of the surface for which a results value is required will be via the RESULTS RANGE SURFACE command. With nodal multi-material results the material for which a results value is required will be determined by the material number of the element in which the specified point is determined to lie.

Note that a faceted approach is used to determine which element a point lies within. This does not truely represent the curvature of a face or edge of an element and thus a point specified very close to the face or edge of an element may not be determined to lie within the element.



This command initiates the tabulation of nodal coordinate data for nodes 10, 11, 12, 13, 14 and 15.


This command initiates the tabulation of model transformations that are stored in the data base to facilitate the building of models into assemblies.

MODEL INDEX Command.          

Control Comments
STATUS SETUP Gives the status of utility setup control parameters.
CONTENTS Gives the status of the drawing contents control parameters.
LIGHT Gives the status of the view light control parameters.


Multiple page tabulations
Where a tabulation contains more than one complete screen full of information a prompt will be issued and the user may continue with the next page by pressing carriage return. Alternatively, the user may issue any primary level command or a `/' to be prompted for a primary command.

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Femsys Limited
1st October 1999