Next: GEOMETRY SPLIT line_name [point_name] position_on_line OR
Previous: GEOMETRY POINT ONLINE [pnam] nam position
This command is used to create a new point, or move an existing point, by applying a transformation to an existing point.
pnam1 | = | the name of a new point to be created or an existing point to be moved. If no |
name is given a new point name will be automatically generated. | ||
pnam2 | = | the name of an existing point to which the transformation is applied in order |
to define the position of a new point or the moved position of an existing | ||
point. Note that pnam2 must be different to pnam1. | ||
trnm | = | the name of the transformation to be used. |
type | = | COPY or AXIS. Normally only used in FEMGEN archive files. |
depn | = | dependency control, either DEPENDENT or INDEPEND (the default). |
If DEPENDENT is specified then the position of the point created by the | ||
GEOMETRY POINT TRANSFORM command will remain dependent on | ||
the transformation used in the command and the position of the originating | ||
point. Thus if the transformation is subsequently redefined in any way (e.g. | ||
by changing the co-ordinates of one of the reference points used in its | ||
definition) or the position of the originating point is subsequently redefined | ||
then the created point will be moved to maintain its relative position. If | ||
INDEPEND is specified then the position of the point created by the | ||
GEOMETRY POINT TRANSFORM command will be uneffected by subsequent | ||
redefinitions of the transformation used or by changes to the position of the | ||
originating point. |
If P7 is a new point then point P7 is created by applying transformation TRN6 to point P88. If P7 is an existing point then it is moved to the new position defined by applying transformation TRN6 to point P88.
Creates a new point by applying transformation TR3 to point P7. The name of the new point will be automatically generated.
See also the following commands
Femsys Limited