Next: GEOMETRY POINT AT-NODE [pnam] node
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This command is used to define new points or to redefine existing points.
If an existing point is redefined then the position of any existing parts
whose definition depends on the point will change automatically.
GEOMETRY POINT has the following sub-commands: | GEOMETRY POINT AT-NODE | - | Create a point at a node. | | GEOMETRY POINT COORD | - | Explicit point definition. | | GEOMETRY POINT INTERSECT | - | Position an existing point onto an |
analytical shape, or onto the | |||
intersection of two or three | |||
analytical shapes or onto the | |||
intersection of two lines. | ||| | GEOMETRY POINT ONLINE | - | Define a point as a ratio on an |
existing line or between | |||
existing points. | ||| | GEOMETRY POINT TRANSFORM | - | Define a point as a transformation |
of an existing point. |
The use of the command words AT-NODE, COORD, INTERSECT, ONLINE and TRANSFORM is optional. The command processor is able to determine which option is required from the additional parameters which follow. Once a point has been defined using one of these commands, the command processor assumes that further points are to be entered and remains at the GEOMETRY POINT level. From this level, further points may be defined or a different primary command may be selected.
Femsys Limited