Next: DRAWING VIEWPORT Action Control
Up: Primary Command DRAWING
Previous: DRAWING RECOVER Mode Control
This command allows the user to save a particular view of the model and/or
Mode | Control | Comments |
PLOTFILE | filename | Writes plotter data (see notes 1, 2 and 3)to the |
| | | specified file in the current plotter format. |
LIVE | -- | Saves a live drawing which is given a drawing number |
| | | (see note 4). (FEMVIEW only) |
- 1.
- Saving to a plotfile
A drawing may be saved
by writing to a plotfile in any of the formats available under the
UTILITY SETUP PLOTTER command. On hardware where 'forms' are available
the plotfile format may also be specified
as part of the DRAWING SAVE PLOTFILE command.
Further details on formats
is given in Appendix E of the User Manual Appendices.
The plotfile may then be sent to a plotter to produce a hardcopy plot.
Plotfiles written in the FEMGV Plotfile Neutral Format may be recovered and
re-displayed by FEMGV for subsequent reference,
or may be accessed by a plotting program.
The user will be prompted to enter a title to be saved with
the drawing in order to help identify the drawing in the future.
- 2.
- Ensuring a plotfile is current
In cases where commands have been issued which do not automatically
produce a redraw, the picture on the display will not be necessarily the
picture that is written to the plotfile. In these situations it is
advisable to issue the command DRAWING DISPLAY before the
command DRAWING SAVE PLOTFILE [filename] so that the current
picture can then be viewed prior to making a plot.
- 3.
- Limitations with plotter hardware
In cases where the picture displayed cannot be plotted, as for
example with colour filled contours on a pen plotter; an equivalent
representation will
be output to the plot file, for example, contour lines.
- 4.
- Saving to the database
Alternatively, the
drawing may be saved in the form of a parametric description with the
in which case it will be stored in the database, and will appear in the drawing index. It may
then be recovered on subsequent occasions with the DRAWING RECOVER LIVE command,
and the parametric
description will be read, and the picture regenerated from the model and results data stored in the data
base. This will recover a `live' view of the model and/or results, and the user may then go on to
work with this view, and for example, rotate the model, or adjust the results presentation. The
recovery of the parametric description effectively reproduces the state of the program at the point
where the user issued the DRAWING SAVE LIVE command.
The user will be prompted to enter a title to be saved with
the drawing in order to help identify the drawing in the future.
Drawings saved in the drawing index are assigned a sequence number when they are stored,
and this sequence number is displayed once the command DRAWING SAVE LIVE has
been issued. A table of saved drawings together with the sequence
number and title associated with each drawing can be obtained by
issuing the command UTILITY TABULATE DRAWINGS.
See also the following commands
Next: DRAWING VIEWPORT Action Control
Up: Primary Command DRAWING
Previous: DRAWING RECOVER Mode Control
Femsys Limited
1st October 1999