
Andrew Moravcsik


Professor of Politics and International Affairs
  and Director, European Union Program
Princeton University

E-mail: amoravcs@princeton.edu
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Department of Politics
Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Robertson Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA

Tel: (609) 258-1161



Workshop: The European Union and the New Constitution – A Stable Political Equilibrium?
Wednesday, November 10
Palmer House, Princeton University

Research Seminar in International Relations
Princeton University

International Relations Colloquium
Princeton University

European Integration and Domestic Politics Study Group
Center for European Studies
Harvard University
Spring 2004

Wednesday, 3 March
Professor Andrew Moravcsik
Harvard University
"The Myth of the 'Democratic Deficit' in the European Union"
4:30 - 6 p.m., Garden Room, Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street
For first paper, click here
For second paper, click here

Tuesday, 23 March
Professor Vivien Schmidt
Boston University
"The European Union: Democratic Legitimacy in a Regional State"
4:30 - 6 p.m., Garden Room, Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street
For paper, click here

Wednesday, March 24
Sieglinde Rosenberger
Schumpeter Fellow, Visiting Scholar, CES

"The Other Side of EU Integration: Populist Politics"
12:15 - 2 p.m., Cabot Room, Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street

Christa Randzio-Plath
Chair of the European Parliament Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs

Hans-Helmut Kotz
Executive Board, Bundesbank

Moderator: Jeff Frieden
Department of Government, Harvard University

"Panel Discussion: The Politics of EMU"
4:15-6 p.m., Lower Level Conference Room, Center for European Studies, 27 Kirkland Street

Thursday, 25 March
A Conversation with
Lawrence H. Summers
President of Harvard University
Jean-Claude Trichet
President of the European Central Bank
"The European and Global Economies"
Moderator: Alberto Alesina, Harvard University
Co-Sponsored by the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
4-5 pm, Yenching Auditorium
