
Andrew Moravcsik


Professor of Politics and International Affairs
  and Director, European Union Program
Princeton University

E-mail: amoravcs@princeton.edu
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Department of Politics
Princeton School of Public and International Affairs
Robertson Hall
Princeton, NJ 08544 USA

Tel: (609) 258-1161



Academic Publications

Edited Volumes
Academic Articles, Book Chapters and Working Papers
Book Reviews
Published and Public Symposia
Commentary and Reviews in Journals of Civic Opinion
Media Interviews, Policy Reports, and Miscellaneous
Publications on Music



Preferences, Power and Institutions,” in Journal of Common Market Studies (Special Issue: Liberal Intergovernmentalism and its Critics) (11 September 2018).

The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht (Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, European edition with London: Routledge/UCL Press, 1998.)

"Preface (in English translation)," The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht (Chinese edition, Beijing, 2008).

Chinese edition of The Choice for Europe: Social Purpose and State Power from Messina to Maastricht (China Social Sciences Documentation Publishing House, 2008).

Selected Reviews:

A Recent Discussion of the Jacket Design.

Donald Puchala, "Institutionalism, Intergovernmentalism, and European Integration: A Review Article," Journal of Common Market Studies (June 1999).

William Hitchcock, "Review of The Choice for Europe," American Historical Review (December 1999)

Symposium on The Choice for Europe (James Caporaso, Fritz Scharpf, Helen Wallace) in Journal of European Public Policy (March 1999)

Quotations from More Reviews of The Choice for Europe
Bibliography of Reviews of The Choice for Europe

European Integration and the Liberal Theory of World Politics: Essays 1991-2001 (London: Routledge, under contract)


Milner and Moravcsik, eds.Helen Milner and Andrew Moravcsik, eds. Power, Interdependence and Non-State Actors in World Politics: Research Frontiers (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2009).

Europe Without IllusionsEurope without Illusions (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2005).

Moravcsik, ed., Europe in the New World Economy, International Library of Writings on the New Global Economy (Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishers, forthcoming).

Centralization or Fragmentation? Europe Facing the Challenges of Deepening, Diversity, and Democracy (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1998).


Liberal Intergovernmentalism and EU External Action,” in Sieglinde Gstöhl and Simon Schunz, eds. The External Action of the European Union: Concepts, Approaches, Theories (London: Macmillian International).

Graduate Qualitative Methods Training in Political Science: A Disciplinary Crisis,PS: Political Science & Politics https://doi.org/10.1017/S1049096519001719 (forthcoming in print, 2020) (with Cassandra V. Emmons).

Liberal Intergovernmentalism,” in Antje Wiener, Tanja A. Börzel, and Thomas Risse, eds. European Integration Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019). (with Frank Schimmelfennig)

Preferences, Power and Institutions,” in Journal of Common Market Studies (Special Issue: Liberal Intergovernmentalism and its Critics) (11 September 2018).

El Mito Del «Déficit Democrático» De Europa*,” in Salvador Forner and Heidy-Cristina Senante, eds., La Unidad Europea: Aproximaciones a la Historia de la Europa Comunitaria (2016).

"Did Balance of Power Politics Cause European Integration? Realist Theory Meets Qualitative Methods," Security Studies 22:4 (2013).

"Active Citation and Qualitative Political Science," Qualitative & Multi-Method Research 10:1 (Spring 2012).

Liberal Theories of International Law,” in Jeffrey L. Dunoff and Mark A. Pollack, eds., Interdisciplinary Perspectives on International Law and International Relations: The State of the Art (2012).

Charles de Gaulle and Europe: The New Revisionism,” Journal of Cold War Studies 14:1 (Winter 2012).

Europe: Quietly Rising Superpower in a Bipolar World,” in Alan Alexandroff and Andrew Cooper, eds., Rising States, Rising Institutions (Washington: Brookings Institution Press, 2010).

"Affirming Democracy in International Organizations," in Joshua Goldstein and Jon Pevehouse, eds., International Relations, forthcoming.

Robert Keohane: Political Theorist,” in Helen Milner and Andrew Moravcsik, eds. Power, Interdependence and Non-State Actors in World Politics: Research Frontiers  (Princeton: Princeton University Press, forthcoming 2010).

"Liberal Theories of International Relations: A Primer" (unpublished, 2010).

"Active Citation: A Precondition for Replicable Qualitative Research," PS: Political Science and Politics 43(1) (January 2010).

"‘Wahn,Wahn, Überall Wahn’: A Reply to Jahn’s critique of liberal internationalism,” International Theory 2:1 (2010).

"Tilting at Windmills: A Final Reply to Jahn," International Theory 2:1 (2010)

"Europe: The Quiet Superpower," French Politics 7:3/4 (September-December 2009).

Liberal Intergovernmentalism,” in Antje Wiener and Thomas Diez, eds. European Integration Theory (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2009). (with Frank Schimmelfennig).

"The New Liberalism," in Christian Reus-Smit and Duncan Snidal, eds. The Oxford Handbook of International Relations (2008).

Reprinted in: Robert E. Goodin, ed. The Oxford Handbook of Political Science (Oxford University Press, 2009).

"Democracy-Enhancing Multilateralism," International Organization (Winter 2009) (with Robert Keohane and Stephen Macedo).

Constitutional Democracy and World Politics: A Response to Gartzke and Naoi,” International Organization (Summer 2011). (with Robert O. Keohane and Stephen Macedo)

"Democracy-enhancing Multilateralism," Institute for International Law and Justice Working Paper (No. 2007/4, New York University Law School, 2007) (with Robert Keohane and Stephen Macedo).

"The Myth of Europe's 'Democratic Deficit'," Intereconomics: Journal of European Economic Policy (November-December 2008).

"The European Constitutional Settlement," World Economy (January 2008).

What Can We Learn from the Collapse of the European Constitutional Project? A Symposium", Politische Vierteljahresschrift 47:2 (forthcoming 2006). Part of a forum with Fritz Scharpf, Michael Zuern, Wolfgang Wessels, and Andreas Maurer.

Responses by Pepper Culpepper and Archon Fung, James Fishkin, Mark Franklin, Paul Magnette, Giandomenico Majone, Jeremy Rabkin and Loukas Tsoukalis, and Moravcsik's "Response to Eight Critics."

French Translation: "Que faut-il retenir de l’effondrement du Projet Constitutionnel Européen?"

"The Paradox of US Human Rights Policy," in Michael Ignatieff, ed. American Exceptionalism and Human Rights (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2005).

"The European Constitutional Compromise and the Neofunctionalist Legacy," Journal of European Public Policy 12:2 (April 2005), pp. 349-386.

"The European Constitutional Compromise," EUSA Review 18: 2 (Spring 2005).

The European Constitutional Compromise,” European Politics and Society (APSA) 4:1 (Winter 2005) (part of a symposium entitled "Debating Federalism and Constitutionalism in the European Union" with Tanya Boerzel, Alberta Sbragia, and Gary Marks).

"Is there a 'Democratic Deficit' in World Politics? A Framework for Analysis," Government and Opposition 39:2 (2004).

Reprinted in: David Held and Mathias Koenig-Archibugi, eds., Global Governance and Public Accountability (Blackwell Publishers, 2004).

"Enlarging the European Union: A Theoretical Perspective," in Grzegorz Ekiert and Jan Zielonka, eds., The Enlargement of the European Union (forthcoming) (with Milada Vachudova)

Unrevised Working Paper Version: Center for European Studies Working Paper Series (Cambridge: Harvard University, forthcoming)

"Liberal Theory and the Politics of Security in Northeast Asia" (Paper prepared for the Ford Foundation Project on Non-Traditional Security, Seoul, South Korea, 30 January 2004). (with G. John Ikenberry)

"Explaining the Paradox of American Human Rights Policy: Rights Culture or Pluralist Pressures?" (Paper delivered at Conference on Unilateralism and U.S. Power, Woodrow Wilson School, Princeton University, 5 December 2003).

"Britain and the Creation of the United Nations Human Rights Regime: Liberal Theory Confronts the Historical Record," Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, Philadelphia Pennsylvania, August 2003). (with Ioannis D. Evrigenis)

"Theory Synthesis in International Relations: Real Not Metaphysical," International Studies Review (March 2003). Part of a forum entitled "Are Dialogue and Synthesis Possible in International Relations?" with Gunther Hellmann, Friedrich Kratochwil, Yosef Lapid, Iver Neumann, Steve Smith, Frank Harvey and Joel Cobb.

"Bargaining Among Unequals: Enlargement and the Future of European Integration," European Union Studies Association Review (Fall 2002). (with Milada Vachudova)

Polish Translation: "Targi miedzy nierównymi: Rozszerzenie a przyszlosc integracji europejskiej," Unia & Polska (Issue 19/2002, December 23, 2002).

Slovak Translation: "Rokovanie medzi nerovnými: Rozširovanie a budúcnost európskej integrácie," Listy SFPA (November-December 2002).

Reprinted:  "Bargaining among Equals," New Presence: The Prague Journal of Central European Affairs (Summer 2003).

"Europe without Illusions," in Moravcsik, ed. Europe without Illusions (Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 2005).

Unrevised Working Paper Version : “Europe without Illusions,” Weatherhead Center for International Affairs (Harvard University, 2002).

French Translation: "L'Europe sans illusions" in Les Relations transatlantiques: Un an aprés le 11 septembre 2001 (Bruxelles: Bruyant, 2003).

Le mythe du déficit démocratique européen,” Raisons politiques (Paris, May-July 2003).

"Liberal International Relations Theory: A Scientific Assessment" in Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman, eds. Progress in International Relations Theory: Appraising the Field (Cambridge, Mass.: MIT Press, 2003), 159-204.

Unrevised Working Paper Version: "The Liberal Paradigm in International Relations Theory: A Social Scientific Assessment" Weatherhead Center Working Paper Series No. 01 (Cambridge: 2001).

"On Democracy and 'Public Interest' in the European Union," in Wolfgang Streeck and Renate Mainz, eds., Die Reformierbarkeit der Demokratie. Innovationen und Blockaden (Frankfurt: Campus Verlag, 2002). (with Andrea Sangiovanni)

Unrevised Working Paper Version: "On Democracy and `Public Interest' in the Europe Union," Center for European Studies Working Paper.

"In Defence of the Democratic Deficit: Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union," Journal of Common Market Studies (40th Anniversary Edition) 40:4 (November 2002).

Reprinted in: Joseph H H Weiler, John Peterson and Iain Begg, eds., Integration in an Expanding European Union: Reassessing the Fundamentals (Oxford and Malden: Blackwell Publishing, forthcoming).

Unrevised Working Paper Version: "In Defence of the Democratic Deficit: Reassessing Legitimacy in the European Union" Center for European Studies Working Paper.

For a summary and review, see Julie Smith, "Global Newsstand: The Heartless EU," Foreign Policy (March 2003).

Andreas Føllesdal and Simon Hix, “Why there is a Democratic Deficit in the EU: a Response to Majone and Moravcsik,” (forthcoming, Journal of Common Market Studies, June 2006).

"National Interest, State Power, and EU Enlargement," East European Politics and Society (February 2003) (with Milada Vachudova)

For unabridged, fully footnoted working paper version, click here.

Czech Translation: "Evropská unie za bodem návratu," Prítomnost (Winter 2003).

"The New Abolitionism: Why Does the US Practice the Death Penalty while Europe Does Not?", European Studies (September 2001).

Response: "The New Abolitionism: American or European Exceptionalism regarding the Death Penalty?" (Stephen J. Silvia and Aaron Beers Sampson)

Rejoinder: "The Death Penalty: Getting Beyond 'Exceptionalism'"

"Federalism in the European Union: Rhetoric and Reality," in Kalypso Nicolaïdis and Robert Howse, eds., The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001).

"Why Is U.S. Human Rights Policy So Unilateralist?" in Shepard Forman and Patrick Stewart, eds., The Cost of Acting Alone: Multilateralism and US Foreign Policy (Boulder: Lynne Riener Publishers, 2001)

"Conservative Idealism and International Institutions," Chicago Journal of International Law (Autumn 2000).

"Legalized Dispute Resolution: Interstate and Transnational," International Organization (Summer 2000) (with Robert Keohane and Anne-Marie Slaughter)

Reprinted in:

Judith L. Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert O. Keohane, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, eds., Legalization and World Politics (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001).

Mary Ellen O'Connell, International Dispute Settlement (Ashgate Publishing Company, 2002).

Robert Keohane, ed. Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World (London and New York: Routledge, 2002).

"Bringing Constructivist Theories of the EU out of the Clouds: Have they Landed Yet?" European Union Politics (June 2001).

"The Origins of International Human Rights Regimes: Democratic Delegation in Postwar Europe" International Organization (Spring 2000).

Unrevised and Unabridged Version: "Explaining the Emergence of Human Rights Regimes: Liberal Democracy and Political Uncertainty in Postwar Europe" Working Paper No. 98-17 (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1998).

Reprinted: Oona A. Hathaway and Harold Hongju Koh, eds. Foundations of International Law and Politics 2004 (New York: Foundation Press, 2004).

"The Concept of Legalization" International Organization (Summer 2000). (with Kenneth Abbott, Robert Keohane, Anne-Marie Slaughter, and Duncan Snidal)

Reprinted in:

Judith L. Goldstein, Miles Kahler, Robert O. Keohane, and Anne-Marie Slaughter, eds., Legalization and World Politics (Cambridge: MIT Press, 2001).

Robert Keohane, ed. Power and Governance in a Partially Globalized World (London and New York: Routledge, 2002).

"Is Anybody Still a Realist? The Authors Reply," in "Correspondence: Brother, Can You Spare a Paradigm? (Or Was Anybody Ever a Realist?)," International Security (Summer 2000). (Reply to critiques by Peter Feaver, Gunther Hellmann, Randall Schweller, Jeffrey Taliaferro and William Wohlforth)

"Is Anybody Still a Realist?" International Security (Fall 1999) (with Jeffrey Legro).

Unrevised and Unabridged Version: "Is Anybody Still a Realist?" Working Paper No. 98-14 (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1998).

"Democracy and Constitutionalism in the European Union," ECSA Review (Spring 2000).

"Beyond Grain and Grandeur: An Answer to Critics and an Agenda for Future Research," Journal of Cold War Studies (Fall 2000). (Reply to a symposium of comments on "De Gaulle between Grain and Grandeur" by John Gillingham, Stanley Hoffmann, John Keeler, Alan Milward, Marc Trachtenberg, and Jeffrey Vanke).

"De Gaulle between Grain and Grandeur: The Economic Origins of French EC Policy, 1958-1970," Part I and Part II, Journal of Cold War Studies (Spring 2000 and Fall 2000).

Unrevised Version: "De Gaulle and Europe: Historical Revision and Social Science Theory" CES Working Paper No. 8-5 (Center for European Studies, Harvard University, 1998).

"Is Something Rotten in the State of Denmark? Constructivism and European Integration," Journal of European Public Policy ("Special Issue: The Social Construction of Europe," 6:4, 1999).

Reprinted as: "Social Constructivism and European Integration: A Critique," in Thomas Christiansen, Knud Erik Jørgensen, and Antje Wiener, eds. The Social Construction of Europe (London: Sage, 2001).

"Le grain et la grandeur: les origines économiques de la politique européenne du général de Gaulle (Partie I et II)" Revue française de science politique (August 1999 and February 2000).

"Grain and Grandeur: Was De Gaulle Really a Visionary Statesman?" Europe (NYU) (December 1999).

"The Future of European Integration Studies: Social Theory or Social Science?" Millennium (Autumn 1999).

"Theory and Method in the Study of International Negotiation: A Rejoinder to Oran Young on `A New Statecraft?'" International Organization (Autumn 1999).

"A New Statecraft? Supranational Entrepreneurs and International Cooperation" International Organization (Spring 1999).

Unabridged Version: "A New Statecraft? Supranational Entrepreneurship and International Cooperation" Working Paper No. 98-10 (Weatherhead Center for International Affairs, Harvard University, 1998) (alternate version available at http://globetrotter.berkeley.edu/irforum/papers).

"The Choice for Europe - Current Commentary and Future Research" (Reply to James Caporaso, Fritz Scharpf, and Helen Wallace) Journal of European Public Policy (March 1999).

"The Choice for Europe: A Reply to Helen Field" Australasian Journal of European Integration (January 1999).

"Keynote Article: Federal Ideals and Constitutional Realities in the Treaty of Amsterdam"
The European Union 1997: Annual Review of Activities (Special Issue of Journal of Common Market Studies) (Oxford: Blackwell, 1998). (with Kalypso Nicolaïdis)

"Explaining the Treaty of Amsterdam: Interests, Influences, Institutions"
Journal of Common Market Studies (March 1999) (with Kalypso Nicolaïdis).

Reprinted in: Fred H. Maidment, ed., Annual Editions: International Business (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2000).

"Taking Preferences Seriously: A Liberal Theory of International Politics" International Organization (Autumn 1997).

Reprinted in:

Charles Lipson and Benjamin J. Cohen, eds., Theory and Structure in International Political Economy: An International Organization Reader (Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, 1999).

Paul R. Viotti and Mark V. Kauppi, International Relations Theory: Realism, Pluralism, Globalism and Beyond 3rd edition (Boston: Allyn and Bacon, 1999).

Oona A. Hathaway and Harold Hongju Koh, eds. Foundations of International Law and Politics 2004 (New York: Foundation Press, 2004).

Polish Translation:
"O roli preferencji: liberalna teoria polityki miedzynarodowej," Nowa ResPublica (Kwartalnik lato 3/2004)
Reference available at: http://respublica.onet.pl/1182566,artykul.html

"Integration Theory," in Desmond Dinan, ed. Encyclopedia of the European Union, (Boulder: Lynne Rienner, 1998).

"Europe's Integration at Century's End," in Moravcsik, ed. Centralization or Fragmentation? Europe Facing the Challenges of Deepening, Diversity, and Democracy (New York: Council on Foreign Relations, 1998).

"Liberalism and Localism in the World Economy" in Kozo Yamamura, ed., A Vision of a New Liberalism? Critical Essays (Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1997).

"The N=1 problem and the Study of the European Integration" ECSA Review (Fall 1997).

"Warum die Europäische Gemeinschaft die Exekutive stärkt" in Klaus-Dieter Wolf, ed., Projekt Europa im Übergang (Baden-Baden: Nomos, 1997).

"From the Outside In: International Relations and the `Obsolescence' of Comparative Politics," APSA-CP Newsletter (Summer 1996).

"Federalism and Peace: A Structural Liberal Perspective" Zeitschrift für internationale Beziehungen (Spring 1996).

"Studying Europe after the Cold War: A Perspective from International Relations" (Working Paper Series, University of Esbjerg, Denmark, 1996).

"Explaining International Human Rights Regimes: Liberal Theory and Western Europe"
European Journal of International Relations (Summer 1995).

"Liberal Intergovernmentalism and Integration: A Rejoinder" Journal of Common Market Studies (December 1995).

Reprinted in: Neill Nugent, ed. The European Union, Vol. I (London: Dartmouth International Library of International and Comparative Politics, 1997).

"Why the European Community Strengthens the State: Domestic Politics and International Institutions," Center for European Studies Working Paper Series 52 (Cambridge: Center for European Studies, 1994).

"Preferences and Power in the European Community: A Liberal Intergovernmentalist Approach," Journal of Common Market Studies (30th Anniversary Edition) (December 1993).

Reprinted in:

Neill Nugent, ed., The European Union Vol. I (London: Dartmouth International Library of Politics and Comparative Government, 1997).

Simon Bulmer and Andrew Scott, eds. Economic and Political Integration in Europe: Internal Dynamics and Global Context (Oxford: Blackwell, 1994).

Michael O'Neill, ed. The Politics of European Integration: A Reader (London: Routledge, 1996).

"Liberalism and International Relations Theory" Center for International Affairs Working Paper Series 92-6 (Harvard University, 1992/rev. 1993).

"Integrating International and Domestic Theories of International Bargaining" (Chapter One) in Peter Evans, Harold Jacobson and Robert Putnam, eds., Double-Edged Diplomacy: Interactive Games in International Affairs (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993).

"Armaments among Allies: Franco-German Weapons Cooperation, 1975-1985" (Chapter Eight) in Evans, Jacobson and Putnam, eds. Double-Edged Diplomacy (see above).

"The Political Economy of Financial Assistance to Eastern Europe, 1989-1991" (with Stephan Haggard) in Robert O. Keohane, Joseph S. Nye and Stanley Hoffmann, eds., After the Cold War: Politics and Institutions in Europe (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1993).

"Integrating the Two Halves of Europe: Theories of Interests, Bargaining and Institutions" (with Stephen Haggard, Marc Levy and Kalypso Nicolaïdis) in Keohane, Nye and Hoffmann, After the Cold War (see above).

"Interests and Ideals in the European Community: The Case of the French Referendum"
French Politics and Society (Winter 1993).

"European Federalism and Modern Social Science: A Rejoinder on the Maastricht Referendum"
French Politics and Society (Spring 1993).

"Arms and Autarky in European History" Daedalus (Winter 1991).

Reprinted in: Raymond Vernon and Ethan Kapstein, eds., Defense and Dependence in a Global Economy (Washington: CQ Press, 1992).

"Negotiating the Single European Act: National Interests and Conventional Statecraft in the European Community" International Organization (Winter 1991).

Reprinted in:

Robert O. Keohane and Stanley Hoffmann, eds. The New European Community (Boulder: Westview, 1991).

Brent Nelson and Alexander Stubb, eds. The European Union (Boulder: Westview, 1994).

Michael O'Neill, ed. The Politics of European Integration: A Reader (London: Routledge, 1996).

"The Future of the European Armaments Industry" International Defense Review (September 1991) (with Philippe Cothier).

"The European Armaments Industry at the Crossroads" Survival (January-February 1990).

Reprinted in: Wolfgang Danspeckgruber, ed. Emerging Dimensions of European Security (Boulder: Westview Press, 1991).

"Disciplining Trade Finance: The Origins and Success of the OECD Export Credit Arrangement"
International Organization (Winter 1989).

"Lengthening the Fuse: No-First-Use and Disengagement" (with Daniel Arbess) in Joseph S. Nye, Jr., Graham Allison and Albert Carnesale, eds. Fateful Visions: Beyond Nuclear Deterrence (Cambridge: Ballinger, 1988).


Review of Michael Loriaux, The European Union and the Destruction of the Rhineland Frontier (Cambridge University Press, 2008), in Perspectives on Politics 7:4 (December 2009).

Review of Stefano Bartolini, Restructuring Europe: Centre Formation, System Building, and Political Structuring between the Nation State and the European Union (2005) in West European Politics, May 2006.

Review of Olivier Bange, The EEC Crisis of 1963 (2000), in American Historical Review, December 2001.

Review of Jean Blondel, Richard Sinnott, and Palle Svensson, People and Parliament in the European Union: Participation, Democracy, Legitimacy (1998) in American Political Science Review, June 2001.

Review of Robert Gilpin, The Challenge of Global Capitalism: The World Economy in the 21st Century (2000) in Political Science Quarterly, Fall 2000.

Review of Anthony Forster, Britain and the Maastricht Negotiations (1999) in International History Review, forthcoming.

Review of Stephen Wood, Germany, Europe and the Persistence of Nations (1998) in International History Review, June 1999.

Review of John Duffield, World Power Forsaken: Political Culture, International Institutions, and German Security Policy after Unification (1998) in Canadian Journal of Political Science, September 1999.

Review of Geoffrey Edwards and Alfred Pijpers, eds. The Politics of European Treaty Reform: The 1996 Intergovernmental Conference and Beyond (1997) in European Journal of International Law, 1999.

Review of Piers Ludlow, Dealing with Britain: The Six and the First UK Application to the EEC (1997) in Journal of European Integration History, 2/1998

Review of Philomena Murray and Paul Rich, eds. Visions of European Unity (1994)
in European Journal of International Law, 2/1998.

Review of Michael Calingaert, European Integration Revisited: Progress, Prospects and US Interests (1996) in European Journal of International Law, 2/1998.

Review of Stanley Hoffmann, The European Sisyphus (1995) in Political Studies, December 1996.

Review of Robert Leonardi, Convergence, Cohesion and Integration in the European Union (1995), in Journal of Politics, November 1996.

Review of Martin Holland, European Union Common Foreign Policy (1995) in Political Studies, December 1996.

Review of Ian Hocking, ed. Foreign Relations and Federal States (1993) in Political Studies, December 1996.

Review of David Long, Towards a New Liberal Internationalism (1996) in Millennium, Spring 1996.

Review of Alan Milward, The European Rescue of the Nation-State (1992) in Journal of Modern History, March 1995.

Review of Smith and Ray, eds., The 1992 Project and the Future of Integration in Europe (1993)
and Alan Cafruny and Glenda Rosenthal, eds., The State of the European Community: The Maastricht Debates (1993) in American Political Science Review, June 1994.

Review of McElroy, Morality and American Foreign Policy (1991) in Political Science Quarterly, Fall 1993.

Review of Gérard Bossuat, La France, l'aide américaine et la construction européenne 1944-1954 (1992) in French Politics and Society, Summer 1993.

Review of Michael Brzoska and Peter Lock, eds. The Restructuring of Arms Production in Western Europe (1992) in American Political Science Review, March 1993.

Review of Herbert Giersch, et al., The Fading Miracle: Four Decades of Market Economy in Germany (1992) in German Politics and Society, Spring 1993.


Special Section of Journal of Cold War Studies on "The Choice for Europe: Soft Sources, Weak Evidence?" (forthcoming), with Robert H. Lieshout, Mathieu L.L. Segers and Anna M. van der Vleuten, and author's rejoinder.

Round Table session of the Yale-Harvard-Boston University Conference on International History (Cambridge 2001) on "Grain and Grandeur: The Political Economy of De Gaulle's Europe" with critique by Ted Bromund and author's response.

Special section of International Security (Summer 2000) entitled "Brother, Can You Spare a Paradigm? (Or Was Anybody Ever a Realist?)," with critiques by Peter Feaver, Gunther Hellmann, Randall Schweller, Jeffrey Taliaferro and William Wohlforth, and authors' response.

Special issue of the Journal of Cold War Studies (Fall 2000) devoted to "Grain and Grandeur: The Political Economy of French European Policy" with critiques by John Gillingham, Stanley Hoffmann, John Keeler, Alan Milward, Marc Trachtenberg, and Jeffrey Vanke, and author's response. Further on-line H-Diplo refereed commentary and exchange involving Sean Kennedy and Irwin Wall.

Round Table session of 12th Annual Conference of Europeanists (Chicago 2000) "Roundtable on Theory and Method in Moravcsik's Choice for Europe" with George Moss, George Ross, and Alberta Sbragia, and author's response.

Special section of International Organization (October 1999) on "A New Statecraft?" with critique by Oran Young and author's response.

Round Table session of the 1999 Annual Convention of the American Political Science Association on the article "Is Anybody Still a Realist?" with comments by Stephen Krasner, David Lake, Randall Schweller, Stephen Walt, and authors' response.

Special section of Millennium: Journal of International Studies (July 1999) entitled "Riding the AM-Track through Europe," with critique by Thomas Diez and author's response.

Special section of Journal of European Public Policy (March 1999) entitled "The Choice for Europe - Current Commentary and Future Research" with critiques by James Caporaso, Fritz Scharpf, and Helen Wallace, and author's response.

Special section of Australasian Journal of European Integration (January 1999) entitled "The Choice for Europe" with critique by Helen Field and author's response.

Special section of Journal of Common Market Studies (December 1995) on the article "Preferences and Power in the European Community," with critique by Daniel Wincott and author's response.


Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2024).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2024).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2024).

Wir können night jeden Krieg wie den Zweiten Weltkrieg führen,“ ["We can't fight every war like World War II"] Die Welt (26 November 2023). For a PDF copy, click here.

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2023).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2023).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2023).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2023).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2023).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2022).

Books for the Century - Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (Centennial Edition, September-October 2022).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2022).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2022).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2022).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2021).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2021).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2021).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2021).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2021).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2020).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2020).

Why Europe Wins: The Last Decade Shows Brussels is Smarter than Beijing, London, Moscow and Washington” Foreign Policy Magazine (24 September 2020). For a PDF copy, click here.

The Rise of Populism in Europe and Beyond with Andrew Moravcsik” The Global Cable (Perry World House, University of Pennsylvania, 2020)

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2020).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2020).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2020).

Ever-Further Union: What Happened to the European Idea?” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2020). For a PDF copy, click here.

Power of connection: why the Russia-Europe gas trade is strangely untouched by politics” Nature (5 December 2019). For a PDF copy, click here.

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2019).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2019).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2019).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2019).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2019).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2018).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2018).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2018).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2018).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2017).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2017).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2017).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2017).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2017).

Europe's Ugly Future: Muddling Through Austerity,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2016).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2016).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2016).

The Great Brexit Kabuki - a Masterclass in Political Theatre, Financial Times (8 April 2016).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2016).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2016).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2015).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2015).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2015).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2015).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2015).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2014).

Ultimately, the Member States Decide: Interview with Andrew Moravcsik on the Scottish Referendum and European Union Politics,” Verfassungsblog - on Matters Constitutional (27 Sept 2014).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2014).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2014).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2014).

L'Europe sur le divan,” in Jean-Hervé Lorenzi et Christian de Boissieu (Le Cercle des économistes), eds. Et si le soleil se levait à nouveau sur l'Europe? (Paris: Fayard, 2013).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2013).

Europa ist auf der richtigen Seite der Geschichte,” Die Presse (Wien) (26 September 2013).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2013).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2013).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2013).

The (Smart) Politics of EU Posturing,” The Monkey Cage (24 January 2013).

A revised version: “Squaring The Circle In London: Cameron The EuropeanSocial Europe Journal (29 January 2013).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2013).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (November/December 2012).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2012).

Eurozone: Closer Fiscal Union,” CNN TV: Christiane Amanpour (26 June 2012).

Europe after the Crisis,” New York Times / International Herald-Tribune (23 April 2012).

For a version in MS Word, click here.

FAEurope After the Crisis: How to Sustain a Common Currency,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2012).

Book Reviews: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2012).

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2012).

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2012).

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2011).

The EU will Last,” The New York Times (12 September 2011) (with Mareike Kleine).

Powerhouse Europe: Why European Power Still Eclipses China,” (Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto, 3 May 2011).

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2011).

European Dis-Union,” America Abroad Media (Radio: February 2011).

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (March/April 2011).

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (January/February 2011).

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (September/October 2010).In Defense of Europe

In Defense of Europe: Now More than Ever, it’s  not Smart to Bet on the EU’s Demise,” Newsweek (30 May 2010, Covery Story).

                For a .pdf version of the article, click here.

Recent Books: Western Europe,” Foreign Affairs (May/June 2010).

"Europe: The Second Superpower," Current History (March 2010).

"Recent Books: Western Europe," Foreign Affairs (March/April 2010).

U.S.-EU Relations: Putting the Bush Years in Perspective,” in Federiga Bindi, ed. The Foreign Policy of the European Union: Assessing Europe’s Role in the World (Washington: Brookings Institution, 2010).

"Recent Books: Western Europe," Foreign Affairs (January/February 2010).

"Recent Books: Western Europe," Foreign Affairs (November/December 2009).

"The Quiet Superpower," Global Europe (14 September 2009).

For a response and debate, click here.

"Recent Books: Western Europe," Foreign Affairs (September/October 2009).

"Europe Defies the Skeptics: How Crisis Will Make the EU Stronger," Newsweek (1 August 2009).Current History

Yves Mény e Andrew Moravcsik discutono di democazia europea,” Il molino Summer 3 / 2009. [ Yves Mény and Andrew Moravcsik debate European democracy ]

English Translation: "A Transatlantic Dialogue on Democracy and its Future," EUI Review (Summer 2009).

"Ignore the Skeptics: The European Union is Doing Just Fine," Newsweek (International editions, 29 June 2009).

"NATO and the European Union," Panel IV at NATO at 60 Symposium (Council on Foreign Relations, 26 February 2009).

"Interview: Turkish Accession as Part of a Multi-Level Europe?" Republic (Athens, Greece, November 2008).

For a .pdf version of the interview, click here.

"What We Learned in China," Princeton Alumni Weekly (22 October 2008) (with Anne-Marie Slaughter).

"Another Angle: Few Voters Know or Care about the European Union," E! Sharp (September-October 2008).

"Don't Know? Vote No!" Prospect (July 2008, London).Newsweek

"Washington Cries Wolf," Newsweek (International edition, 31 May 2008).

For a .pdf scan of the article as it appeared in Newsweek, click here.

For a Chinese translation, click here: 华府对中国军事现代化大呼“狼来了”

"Make Way for the Quiet Superpower," Newsweek (International edition, 31 December 2007).

For a .pdf scan of the article as it appeared in Newsweek, click here.

"European Integration: Looking Ahead," Great Decisions 2008 (Foreign Policy Association, New York, 2008).

"Marxist Populism," Prospect (December 2007, London).

For a .pdf scan of the article as it appeared in Prospect, click here.

"The Self-Absorbed Dragon," Newsweek (International edition, 29 October 2007).

For a .pdf scan of the article as it appeared in Newsweek, click here.

Translated into Chinese in Can Kao Xiao Xi (22 October 2007).

"Soft Power's Libyan Triumph," Financial Times (30 July 2007, Opinion and Comment).

"A Rogue Reforms: Libya Comes in from the Cold," Newsweek (International editions, 16 July 2007).

Contribution to "Symposium: American exceptionalism - Is there a moral high ground?" International Herald Tribune (23 May 2007).

"Europe's Anti-Ballistic Missile Defense," Newsweek (International edition, 30 April 2007).

On Foreign Policy, plus ça change…,” International Herald-Tribune (18 April 2007).

For commentary on this article in Le monde, click here.

"Beyond the Grand Illusion," in European Union: The First Fifty Years - Fifty Top Thinkers Set Out their Ideas for Europe (London: Financial Times, 2007).

"The World's Quiet Superpower," European Voice (29 March 2007).Europe at 50

"The Golden Moment: The EU at 50," Newsweek (Cover Story, International edition, 26 March 2007). (For a .pdf copy of the illustrated print edition, click here.)

[For author's exchange with readers, click here.]

Contribution to the Symposium, "The Big Question: Left and Right Defined the 20th Century. What's Next?" Prospect (London, April 2007).

Brüssel regiert nicht Deutschland,” Financial Times Deutschland (10 February 2007) (with Annette Elisabeth Töller). (For a MS Word version, click here.)

"No Power to the People," Newsweek (International edition, 5 February 2007).

"Does Turkey belong in Europe?" (Η ένταξή της θα ήταν φωτισμένο βήμα για τους Ευρωπαίους) Ta Nea (Athens, 23 December 2006).

"Open the Doors," Newsweek (International edition, 2 October 2006).

For a .pdf scan of the article as it appeared in Newsweek, click here.

"Rumors of Europe's Demise are Greatly Exaggerated," The Washington Note (8 June 2006).

For a response by Charles Kupchan, click here.

"Response to Charlie Kupchan," The Washington Note (10 June 2006).

"Why Europe Should Dare to be Dull," European Voice (8 June 2006).

"The Constitution is Dead! Long Live the Constitution!" Europaische Rundshau (2006 Special edition).

"Déjà Vu All Over Again: US-European Relations Still Rocky," Newsweek (International edition, 15 May 2006) (Word version).

"The Threat from Europe: Jeremy Rabkin's Case for Sovereignty," Prospect (April 2006).

"Failing to Learn their Lessons: Rhetoric and Reality in the European Union," Financial Times (Special Section on the Future of Europe, 27 January 2006).

Italian: "Il futuro dell'Europa è nei «piccoli passi»" Corriere della Sera (Medcoledi, 8 febbraio).

Response: Kirsty Hughes, "The Debate about Europe's Future has Got to Make the Issue of Democracy Striking and Understandable," Financial Times (31 January 2006).

"Europe Will Get It Right," Newsweek (International edition, 26 December 2005).

"The Future of the Constitutional Process of the European Union," Report to European Parliament Symposium (13-14 October 2005) (with Kalypso Nicolaidis).

"Dog and Tony Show," Newsweek (International edition, 7 November 2005).

"Brussels Diary: An End to Constitutional Confusion," Prospect (October 2005, 10th Anniversary Special Issue).

"World View: The Wonderful World of Oz," Newsweek (International edition, 19 September 2005).

Für ein Europa ohne Illusionen,” Süddeutsche Zeitung (14 July 2005).

"Europe without Illusions," Prospect (July 2005) (cover article with commentary by Larry Siedentop, Gisela Stuart, John Kay, Sunder Katwala, Charles Grant, Michael Maclay, Philippe Legrain).

"A Too Perfect Union? Why Europe Said 'No,'" Current History (November 2005).

La ricetta per l’Ue? Abbandonare le grandi illusioni,” Corriere della Sera (venerdì, 17 giugno 2005).

"Europe Works Well Without the Grand Illusions," Financial Times (13 June 2005).

"Time Has Come for Politicians to Offer a Serious Mea Culpa," Ta Nea (Athens, 4 June 2005).

"Europa takelt niet af, maar is juist stabiel," NRC Handelsblad (Amsterdam, 3 June 2005).

"How to Fix Europe's Image Problem," Foreign Policy (May-June 2005). (with Kalypso Nicolaïdis)

Bulgarian Translation: “How to Fix Europe's Image Problem,” FP Bulgaria (June-July 2005).

Il confronto delle civiltá: condizioni e rischi,” in Nel Suo Nome: Conflitti, riconoscimento, convivena delle religioni (Bologna: EDB, 2005).

"The Politics of Plebiscites," Newsweek (International edition, 9 May 2005).

"Allies at the Other Side of the Atlantic: The Rise of the 'European Dream'," Ta Nea (Athens, 13 April 2005).

An Ocean Apart,” The American Prospect (March 2005).

"Dream on America," Newsweek (Cover Story, 31 January 2005, International edition).

Letters from readers of "Dream on America" (forthcoming in Newsweek's "Mail Call," 14 March 2005, International edition).

For further commentary, see: Stephan Richter, "The Real Newsweek Scandal," The Globalist (20 May 2005).

"It's the Job, Stupid: Europe and Global Leadership," Newsweek (December 2004, "Issues 2005" Special Davos Issue).

"Don't Sweat the Big Stuff," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 10 January 2005).

"EU Got that Thing," The American Prospect (January 2005).

"How the World Sees It," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 15 November 2004).

"Europe is the New Role Model for World," Financial Times (5 October 2004).

"Euroskeptic but Sane: Booker and North's The Great Deception: A Secret History of the European Union," Prospect (August 2004).

"Europe Takes Charge," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 5 July 2004).

"Europe's Slow Triumph," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 21 June 2004).

"The Perils of Partnership," Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 10 May 2004) (with Grzegorz Ekiert).

"No Reverse Gear, Please," Newsweek (Atlantic Edition, 3 May 2004).

EU je výjimecný historický projekt,” BBC (Prague) (3 May 2004).

"Effetto Iraq: la discussione di Parigi," Aspenia (Rome) (forthcoming).

"Commentary: European Defense," E!Sharp (Brussels, April 2004).

"The Myth of a European Leadership Crisis in an Era of Diminishing Returns," Challenge Europe (March-April 2004).

Responses by Kalypso Nicolaidis, Paul Magnette, and James Palmer.

"One Year On: Lessons from Iraq," in Gustav Lindstrom and Burkard Schmitt, eds., One Year On: Lessons from Iraq (Chaillot Paper No. 68) (Paris: European Union Institute for Security Studies, March 2004).

"The Unsung Constitution," Prospect (March 2004).

"Nouvelles réponses à la lettre d'Europe à nos amis américains," Mouvements (January/February 2004).

"Kick the Can, Please!" Newsweek (Atlantic edition, 22 December 2003).

"President Bush's London Trip Tests US-UK Relations," To the Point (KCRW, Los Angeles, PRI and syndication, 19 November 2003). Transcript is available here.

"On the Other Road to Damascus," Aspenia (Winter 2003, Rome)

Italian Version: Aspenia (Winter 2003, Rome). Available here.

"The Death of Tory England," Newsweek (10 November 2003, Atlantic edition).

"Gli Stati Uniti sulla via di Damasco," La Stampa (Torino, Italy) (4 October 2003).

"Debate: Should the European Union be Able to Do Everything that NATO Can?" NATO Review (Autumn 2003) (with Fraser Cameron).

"Look at the Small Victories," Newsweek (29 September 2003, Atlantic edition).

"A Tory Referendum," Prospect (July 2003).

"Striking a New Transatlantic Bargain," Foreign Affairs (July/August 2003).

Reprinted: James F. Hoge, Jr. and Gideon Rose, eds, American Foreign Policy: Cases and Choices (New York: Norton, 2003).

"Europe Comes of Age," Newsweek (23 June 2003, Atlantic edition).

Spanish translation: "Qué pensar de la nueva Constitución de la Unión Europea," Qué Pasa (Santiago, Chile, 20 June 2003).

"Difesa europea, sogno rischioso: per influenzare la pace e la guerra non serve la forza militare,"
La Stampa (Rome, 3 May 2003).

"The World is Bipolar After All," Newsweek (5 May 2003, Atlantic Edition).

"How Europe Can Win without an Army," Financial Times (3 April 2003).

"The EU Ain't Broke," Prospect (March 2003).

For an amusing criticism from a Eurosceptic website, click here.
And for their subsequent apology, click here.

"Another Decade of Diversity," Newsweek (6 January 2003, Atlantic Edition).

"Technocrats on Top?" Foreign Policy (September 2002).

"The Quiet Superpower," Newsweek (17 June 2002, Atlantic Edition).

Reprints and Translations:
"The Quiet Superpower," The Independent (UK) (13 June 2002);
"A potência silenciosa," O Estado de Sao Paolo (Brazil) (16 June 2002); and
"A csendes szuperhatalom," Élet és Irodalom (Hungary) (19 July 2002).

"To Delegate or Not to Delegate: That is the Question," Foreign Policy (September-October 2002).

"The Human Rights Blame Game," Newsweek (22 April 2002, Atlantic Edition).

Reprints and Translations: "The Human Rights Blame Game," Pakistan Observer (7 May 2002).

"What Now, Old Continent? Europe on the Way to a Constitution," American Enterprise Institute (16 April 2002)

"If it Ain't Broke, Don't Fix It! Europe's Rhetoric and America's Fears," Newsweek (4 March 2002, Atlantic Edition).

"Despotism in Brussels - An Exchange with Stephen Graubard," Foreign Affairs (September-October 2001).

"Despotism in Brussels? Misreading the European Union," Foreign Affairs (May/June 2001).

"Faux Realism: Spin vs. Substance in the New Bush Foreign Policy Doctrine," Foreign Policy (July-August 2001). (with Jeffrey Legro)

Reprints and Translations: "Politica di potenza? Forse solo a parole," La Stampa (Global) (Italy) (August 2001).

"European Integration: What Future for Europe and the US?" in Great Decisions 1997 (New York: Foreign Policy Association, 1996).

Available at: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/0871241730/102-3567108-2710510?v=glance&s=books


Why Europe is the Other Superpower of the 21st Century (and China is Not),” Bernard Schwartz Distinguished Lecture, Johns Hopkins School of International Studies (5 September 2013).

"Dissolving the Eurozone Would Be Difficult, Much Less the EU," Interview with ΤΟ ΒΗΜΑ (25 November 2011).

Are Criticisms of the EU’s ‘Democratic Deficit’ Consistent with Basic Political Science?” Keynote Address to the 17th Annual Meeting of the Hungarian Political Science Association (20 May 2011).

Predictions of America's demise as superpower are greatly exaggerated,” Deutsche Welle (18 January 2011).

"Why is Europe, not China or India, the Second Superpower of the 21st Century?" Radio Interview on WILL/Illinois Public Radio (27 January 2010).

"Conference : the European Union after the Lisbon Treaty" (Joint Lecture and Discussion with French Ambassador Pierre Vimont) Consulate of France, New York, NY (December 2009).

Interview: De europæiske vælgere er fuldkommen ligeglade med EU,” Information (13 november 2007).

"50 Jahre Römische Verträge: 'Europas Stärke ist zivil'," Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (25 March 2007, Sunday edition).

"Es gibt keine Krise in der EU," Der Kurier (Wien, 29 January 2006).

"EU je výjimený historický projekt" BBC Czech Radio Service (4 May 2004)

"Det demokratiske EU," Europa Kommissionen Danmark (Interview with Claus Christoffersen).

"Defining Europe: A Constitution for the EU," The Europeans Australian Broadcasting System (22 June 2003). Information at: http://www.abc.net.au/rn/talks/europe/stories/s883672.htm.

"The European Union and Transatlantic Relations," The World this Weekend on BBC4 (15 December 2000).

"Het komt wel goed tussen Amerika en Europa (Everything will be alright between America and Europe)," Financieel-Economische TIJD (Brussels, 29 June 2002).

American Perspectives on Europe's Constitutional Convention, a seminar for the Brussels press and policy-makers, organized and hosted by GMF’s Transatlantic Center (Brussels, 30 May 2002)

"Muchos americanos creen que la Unión Europea es irrelevante (Many Americans Believe the EU is Irrelevant)," La Vanguardia (Barcelona, 11 March 2002)

"A United States of Europe?" The Connection (Syndicated NPR Radio Program, 7 March 2002).

"En forfatning for meget (One Constitution Too Many)," Weekendavisen (Copenhagen, Denmark, 27 April 27 2001).

"Preface," Niels Hovmand, Structural Changes and Sub-Regional Integration: The Case of the Baltic Sea Political Regime (Copenhagen: Political Studies Press, 2002).

"Lessons from the European Human Rights Regime" in Advancing Democracy and Human Rights in the Americas (Washington: Inter-American Dialogue, 1994).


"Twilight of the Gods," Opera (November 2013).

“Dukas’ Ariane et Barbe-Bleue from Barcelona on DVD,” Opera Today (20 May 2013).

Puccini’s Manon Lescaut in Philadelphia,” Opera Today (26 April 2012).

Opera’s Search for Transcendence,” European Journal of Sociology 52 (2011).

Aida in Arizona,” Opera Today (19 March 2012).

Mozart’s Abduction from the Seraglio in Philadelphia,” Opera Today (6 March 2012).

Carmen in Philadelphia,” Opera Today (7 October 2011).

"Phaedra in Philadelphia," Opera Today (6 June 2011).

Roméo et Juliette in Philadelphia,” Opera Today (5 March 2011).

On Tenors: A Professional Opinion,” Guest Blog on Extended Violin Diary (21 January 2011).

Go East, Young Diva,” International Herald-Tribune (Special Year-End “Global Agenda 2011” Section), 2 December 2010.

Also on line at: New York Times, Opinion Pages, 2 December 2010. Click here.

Between Worlds: The New Seattle “Tristan” Explores the Threshold Between Life and Death,” Wagner Journal 4:3 (Autumn 2010).

"Tristan in Seattle,” Opera Today (15 August 2010).

For a PDF copy of this review, click here.

"Händel’s Semele at the Théâtre des Champs-Elysées, Paris,” Opera Today (11 July 2010).

For a PDF copy of this review, click here.

"Everyday Totalitarianism: Reflections on the Stuttgart Ring," The Opera Quarterly (Winter 2010).

"Wild Card: Seiji Ozawa Returns to the Met," Opera News (December 2008).

"International Wagner Competition, Seattle," Financial Times (19 August 2008).

"Idomeneo and Doktor Faust at München Opernfestspiele," Opera Today (20 July 2008).

"Verdi's Otello at the Shanghai Opera House," Opera (London, June 2008).

"Puccini's Turandot in Beijing," Opera News (April 2008).

For a story by National Public Radio's Louisa Lim featuring an interview based in part on this story, click here.

"Guo Wenjing's Poet Li Bai in Shanghai," Opera (London) (January 2008).

"Wagner's Tannhäuser in Tokyo," Opera (London) (January 2008).

"Tan Dun / Organic Concert in Shanghai," Financial Times (23 October 2007).

"A Conductor Worth Watching," Financial Times (22 September 2007).

(For a .pdf copy of the illustrated print edition, click here)

"Luciano Pavarotti, 1935-2007," Newsweek (17 September 2007, International editions).

(For an MS Word version, click here)

(For a .pdf copy of the illustrated print edition, click here)

"Everyday Totalitarianism: The Stuttgart Ring Cycle," Opera Quarterly (forthcoming 2007 in a symposium on contemporary staging of Wagnerian opera with Carolyn Abbate and Michael Ashman).

"Sopranos at the Cineplex," Newsweek (16 March 2007, International edition).

(For a .pdf copy of the illustrated print edition, click here)

"The Rise of American Arias," Newsweek (International edition, 3-10 July 2006).

"Singing in the States," Newsweek (International edition, 3-10 July 2006).

"Rethinking Mozart," Newsweek (30 January 2006, International edition) (.pdf version).

"Hidden Arias," Newsweek (1 June 2004, Atlantic edition).

"In Defense of Bayreuth," German Politics and Society (forthcoming).

"Moon over Mozart: Peter Sellars at Glyndebourne," Newsweek (11 August 2003, Atlantic edition).

"All Wagner, All the Time," Newsweek (26 August 2002, Atlantic Edition).

"Summer Reading: Three Essential Books on Opera," Commonweal (14 June 2002).

If you are unable to access an electronic version of any selection, please contact <amoravcs@princeton.edu> to obtain a hard copy. Please send any questions, suggestions, or complaints concerning the coding or maintenance of this website to Helene E. Wood at hwood@princeton.edu.
