Princeton graduate student Xiyue Wang, shown here with his wife and their young son before he was detained in Iran in 2016.
Hua Qu issued the following statement Thursday, Aug. 17, regarding her husband, Xiyue Wang, who is imprisoned in Iran. Princeton University is distributing the statement at her request.
I am devastated that my husband’s appeal has been denied, and that he continues to be unjustly imprisoned in Iran on groundless accusations of espionage and collaboration with a hostile government against the Iranian state. Our young son and I have not seen Xiyue in more than a year, and we miss him very much.
Xiyue is a doctoral student who traveled to Iran last year to learn Persian and to do some archival research for his dissertation on 19th and early 20th century Eurasian history. He had received approval necessary from the Iranian government to carry out research in Iran. It was his passion for this field of study that drew him to Iran, and later to continue his dissertation research in Russia, and nothing else.
The past year has been extremely difficult for our family. We constantly worry about Xiyue’s health and well-being as he remains behind bars in a foreign country away from his family and loved ones. This time has been particularly difficult for my toddler son, who misses his father very much, but is too young to fully comprehend why he is not able to see, hold, or play with his father. It is heartbreaking to hear my son constantly ask about his father’s return home.
Our son and I are Chinese citizens. During the past year, we have shown great respect for Iran’s judicial system and have waited patiently while his case has been investigated, prosecuted and tried. Xiyue deserves to be freed. We hope the Iranian officials can release him immediately so he can resume his studies at home and so that our family will be together again.
A Chinese translation is provided below.
王夕越妻子曲桦的声明, 2017年8月17日