PER 101

Elementary Persian I


Amineh Mahallati

Introduction to Persian language and culture. By the end of the semester, students will have an overview of Persian grammar and will able to read and converse in Persian at a basic level. Class activities include group discussions, skits, short stories, oral presentations, and comprehension and grammar drills. Class instruction is supplemented with other media such as movies and online Persian news media. Five classes. No credit is given for PER 101 unless followed by PER 102.

PER 102

Elementary Persian II


Amineh Mahallati

Continuation of 101 with a greater emphasis on reading, writing, and comprehension. By the end of the semester, most instruction will be delivered in Persian, and students will be able to communicate comfortably using everyday language and read more elaborate prose. Class instruction is supplemented with other media such as movies and online Persian news media. Five classes.

PER 105

Intermediate Persian I


Amineh Mahallati

An introduction to modern Persian prose and poetry. The course introduces advanced grammar while developing communication skills through the discussion of modern and classic novels, movies, and online Persian media (news, weblogs, etc). This class will be conducted mainly in Persian. Prerequisite: 102 or instructor's permission. Five classes.

PER 107

Intermediate Persian II


Amineh Mahallati

Continuation of 105. Reading and discussion of selected works by major authors. This class will be conducted mainly in Persian. Five classes.

PER 301

Introduction to Classical Persian Literature


An introduction to the language of classical Persian literature. Intensive reading and discussion of texts by major poets and writers from Rudaki to Hafez. Texts will vary from year to year. Prerequisite: 107 or instructor's permission. Three classes.

PER 302

Advanced Persian Reading I


Amineh Mahallati

Aimed at developing proficiency in reading and communication in Persian, using materials written for native speakers. Texts used include classical Persian novels, modern works, and Persian translations of classical Western works such as Le Petit Prince and Les Miserables. This class will be conducted entirely in Persian. Prerequisite: two years of Persian or instructor's permission. Two 90-minute classes.

PER 303

Advanced Persian Reading II: Modern Persian Prose


Amineh Mahallati

Continuation of 302. This course is designed to improve students' proficiency in the reading and comprehension of a variety of Persian texts. Prerequisite: two years of Persian or instructor's permission. Two 90-minute classes.