Front of Nassau Hall with Tiger Statue

Board approves 14 faculty promotions

Princeton University’s Board of Trustees has approved the following faculty promotions, effective July 1, 2021.


Stephan Fueglistaler, geosciences; Sarah McGrath, philosophy; Robert Pringle, ecology and evolutionary biology; Robert (Blair) Schoene, geosciences; Corina Tarnita, ecology and evolutionary biology; Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor, African American studies.

Associate Professor

He Bian, history and East Asian studies; Beatrice Kitzinger, art and archaeology; Egemen Kolemen, mechanical and aerospace engineering and the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment; Wyatt Lloyd, computer science; Barbara Nagel, German; Ezra Oberfield, economics; Mary (Cassie) Stoddard, ecology and evolutionary biology; Jared Toettcher, molecular biology.