Princeton University is committed to ensuring that all of its community members can learn, work and thrive in a safe, supportive and fair environment, free from sexual misconduct and all forms of discrimination.
Sexual misconduct can have devastating effects on the health and well-being of members of our community — it has no place on our campus. The University supports students during Title IX investigations and throughout their time at Princeton. We have full confidence that the campus administrators engaged in this important work investigate complaints diligently, fairly and impartially, and assign appropriate penalties when the evidence establishes violations of our policies.
We continually strive to ensure that every member of our community has access to the resources that they need, and that there is no confusion around our policies, practices and obligations under Title IX. To that end, we provide to the entire community extensive information regarding our policy and procedures on these issues through Princeton’s Sexual Misconduct and Title IX website, as well as information on confidential resources that are available to assist members of the University community in accessing support services and/or learning about their options. The site also addresses frequently asked questions and answers about the policy. Princeton University is committed to sharing this information proactively and we conduct extensive training on sexual misconduct policies, procedures and resources.
Yesterday, May 7, students began a peaceful protest outside Nassau Hall around the Title IX process on our campus. That afternoon, several students gave to Vice President for Campus Life W. Rochelle Calhoun a document outlining their concerns. Princeton University takes seriously its mission to support the free expression of all views, and we support and defend the right of students to participate in peaceful protest activities such as the sit-in outside Nassau Hall. The administration has carefully reviewed the students’ document.
We respect and appreciate student input into how these important issues are handled by the University. The Faculty-Student Committee on Sexual Misconduct includes student representatives and regularly meets to address these issues. In addition, the University Student Life Committee, which also includes student members, engages on a range of issues relevant to improving the student experience.
Consistent with our ongoing practice of taking student input into account, we are referring the concerns raised to the appropriate University committees. That said, unfounded calls for the termination of University employees are inappropriate and will not be considered further.
We value and appreciate the students’ voices on these important issues. We are committed to ensuring the University is doing all it can to address sexual misconduct on campus, and we will continue to work with the community to meet that goal.