A view of Morrison Hall and Nassau Hall across Cannon Green. (Photo by Nick Barberio, Office of Communications)
The following is an updated list of University employee retirements.
Effective Jan. 1: in the Office of Finance and Treasury, collection officer Glenn Brown, after 28 years; in the Office of Population Research, senior research demographer Germán Rodríguez, after 32 years.
Effective Feb. 1: in Residential Colleges, Wilson College director of studies John Axcelson, after 12 years; in the Princeton Institute for International and Regional Studies, manager of global initiatives Jayne Bialkowski, after 42 years; in the Office of the Dean of the Faculty, researcher and specialist appointment coordinator June Eige, after 25 years; in Human Resources, senior human resources business analyst Donna Farago, after 25 years; in Building Services, custodian Maria Havrilla, after 16 years; in Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, undergraduate and graduate program administrator Lolly O’Brien, after 27 years; in the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, senior engineer Hans Schneider, after 17 years.
Effective April 1: in Building Services, operations manager Mark Bahadurian, after 42 years.