Cleveland Tower at the Graduate College on a snowy day.
With a major storm heading toward campus, Princeton University officials are monitoring forecasts and the storm's progress.
If a delayed opening or closure of campus is implemented, an update about University operations and classes will be posted by 6 a.m. Wednesday on the University homepage and on the severe weather information line, 609-258-SNOW (7669).
The announcement will also be sent via the Princeton Telephone and E-Mail Notification System (PTENS) to all faculty, staff and students via email, and via text or phone call if their settings are enabled for campus delays and closures in the PTENS User Portal. Faculty and staff may update their email addresses in HR Self-Service, and students may do so in TigerHub. It is recommended that University community members check their notification settings in the PTENS portal.
Information on Princeton-area weather is available from the National Weather Service. The University also has a page with tips on preparing for and dealing with winter storms.