The following is an updated list of University employee retirements.
Effective April 1: in Campus Dining, retail food service worker Claretta Carter, after 14 years.
Effective May 1: in Facilities Finance and Administrative Services, senior business liaison Lynn Grenier, after 34 years; in the Office of Information Technology's operations and planning, senior manager of collaboration and conferencing technologies Lorene Lavora, after 16 years; in administrative information services, senior developer/analyst Kurian Nellikunnel, after 29 years; in the information security office, senior adviser for information security Anthony Scaturro, after 12 years.
Effective July 1: in applied and computational mathematics, faculty assistant Valerie Marino, after 20 years.
Effective January 1, 2016: in French and Italian, lecturer Daniela Antonucci, after 11 years.