Incoming freshmen and their families can find important information about attending Princeton, as well as interact with University staff and students, via the welcome website Your Path to Princeton.
Your Path to Princeton provides students with an introduction to the undergraduate experience and helps them forge connections with the University before they arrive on campus. The website serves as a central information portal for freshmen and directs students to other University resources, such as housing policies and move-in schedules.
"We want to make the path to Princeton as smooth as possible for students and their families," Senior Associate Dean of the College Claire Fowler said. "As incoming freshmen and their families browse the website, they will become familiar with many of the things we think are important for students to know before we welcome them to campus in the fall."
The website is publicly accessible, but incoming freshmen will have to log in with their University netIDs to access the interactive features. The Class of 2019 will receive their netIDs around May 22, enabling them to ask questions of deans and directors of studies in the residential colleges, as well as talk with current Princeton students through blogs, email and online discussion groups.
Your Path to Princeton also features a section for families and useful information for other members of the University community, such as key Orientation dates and deadlines for matriculating students. Updates will be made throughout the summer as new information becomes available, and incoming freshmen may use the website to keep track of enrollment tasks that must be completed before they arrive in the fall.
The website is sponsored by the Office of the Dean of the College, in collaboration with residential college staff and the Undergraduate Student Government.