Many members of Princeton's Class of 2016 moved in on Saturday, Sept. 1, and were treated to a welcome barbeque at their residential colleges before heading off to participate in the pre-orientation programs Outdoor Action and Community Action.
All freshmen and sophomores live in one of six residential colleges. The colleges provide students with close-knit communities that offer an array of academic and social programs, from academic advising to yoga classes. Each college is made up of a cluster of dormitories and a range of facilities, including dining halls, common rooms, academic spaces and arts and entertainment resources.
Before classes begin, the University sponsors an array of orientation and pre-orientation activities.

Whitman College barbeque (Photo by Stefanie Clerkin)
Outdoor Action is the University's oldest and largest pre-orientation program. The Outdoor Action groups are engaged in experiential learning activities such as biking and sustainable farming at sites from Virginia to Vermont.
Community Action sponsors volunteer service projects in Princeton, Trenton and Philadelphia. Students are working with community organizations focused on the arts, health, environmental awareness, housing, hunger relief and education.
Saturday, Sept. 8, is the official move-in day for all other undergraduates. The academic year begins with the Opening Exercises ceremony Sunday, Sept. 9, and classes begin Thursday, Sept. 13.

Butler/Wilson College barbeque (Photo by Denise Applewhite)

Rockefeller/Mathey College barbeque (Photo by Stefanie Clerkin)

Forbes College barbeque (Photo by Denise Applewhite)

Butler/Wilson College barbeque (Photo by Denise Applewhite)