Members of the news media who wish to attend any of Princeton University’s 2010 graduation ceremonies Sunday through Tuesday, May 30 to June 1, must contact the University’s Office of Communications(Link is external) no later than 1 p.m. Friday, May 21, to request credentials.
Seating for media is not guaranteed for any event; however, Baccalaureate, the Hooding ceremony for the Graduate School and Commencement are scheduled to be simulcast live at sites on campus and on local TV channels. Because of space limitations, photography and filming will be limited at some of the graduation events (please see the summary of events listed below for more information).
The class of 2010 will have its Baccalaureate on Sunday, May 30, Class Day on Monday, May 31, and Commencement on Tuesday, June 1.
Media credentials for all events will be available for distribution from 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Thursday and Friday, May 27-28, in the communications office at 22 Chambers St., Suite 201, Princeton. Journalists must pre-register by May 21 for each event and receive advance confirmation of attendance because seating will be extremely limited.
Confirmed journalists who do not pick up credentials on the assigned dates will not be allowed entry to the events, and reserved seating will be available only for journalists who have registered in advance.
To request credentials for Baccalaureate, Class Day, the Hooding ceremony or Commencement, news media must e-mail Emily Aronson(Link sends email), and provide the name, phone number and e-mail address for each person requesting credentials, in addition to specifying the event(s) for which credentials are being requested.
Below is a summary of the graduation events leading up to and including Princeton’s 263rd Commencement. For more information, visit the Commencement website(Link is external).
- The Baccalaureate service will take place at 2 p.m. Sunday in the University Chapel. The speaker will be Jeff Bezos, a Princeton alumnus and founder and chief executive officer of Advance registration and advance pick-up of credentials is required. Media seating is in front of a large simulcast screen outside the chapel, where seating inside is reserved for seniors and the faculty procession. News photographers and film crews will not be permitted inside the chapel, and broadcast media must come to campus with recording decks in order to obtain footage of the service.
- The Class Day ceremony for seniors is set for 10:30 a.m. Monday on Cannon Green (Jadwin Gym in case of severe weather). Advance registration and advance pick-up of credentials is required for on-site media seating. The Class Day speaker is selected each year by a committee of graduating students and this year’s speaker is still to be determined. When the speaker is selected, an announcement will be posted on the Princeton University website and additional guidelines for media coverage of the ceremony will be provided.
- The Hooding ceremony for advanced degree candidates will begin at 5 p.m. Monday in McCarter Theatre. Princeton President Shirley M. Tilghman and Graduate School Dean William Russel will preside. The Hooding ceremony requires a special credential. Media wishing to attend must specify their intent in advance.
- The Commencement program begins with the academic procession at 10:20 a.m. Tuesday on the front campus on Nassau Street. Members of the media who are not seated by 10 a.m. will not be allowed entry into the event. The University’s 263rd Commencement ceremony is slated for 11 a.m. on the lawn in front of Nassau Hall (Jadwin Gym in case of severe weather). Princeton President Shirley M. Tilghman will preside over the event and address the graduates. Several honorary degrees traditionally are conferred, but names are not announced until that day. Advance registration and advance pick-up of credentials is required.
Journalists will receive confirmation and further instructions prior to the events. Photos will be made available to media online following Baccalaureate because photographic access will be limited.
The Baccalaureate, Hooding and Commencement ceremonies are scheduled to be broadcast live on TigerNet Channel 7 on campus and on Channel 27 on Princeton cable television. The events also are scheduled to be webcast live and archived online for later viewing on WebMedia(Link is external). Streaming video of the events for iPhones also will be available on WebMedia(Link is external).
The Baccalaureate service is planned to be simulcast on a screen outside of the Chapel, as well as in Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall; McCosh Hall, Rooms 10 and 50; McCormick Hall, Room 101; and Betts Auditorium, School of Architecture. Tickets are required at the simulcast sites.
The Class Day ceremony is scheduled to be simulcast in McCosh Hall, Rooms 10 and 50. No tickets will be required at the simulcast sites.
The Hooding ceremony is scheduled to be simulcast in Dodds Auditorium, Robertson Hall and Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall. Tickets are required at the simulcast sites.
Commencement is planned to be simulcast in Richardson Auditorium, Alexander Hall. No tickets will be required at the simulcast site.