The group performs a fusion dance piece combining both modern lyrical artistry with traditional long sleeve elegance.
Triple 8 Dance Company, a student troupe dedicated to showcasing the art and dance of traditional and contemporary East Asia, will perform its fourth annual show at 8 p.m. Thursday through Saturday, Feb. 12-14, in the Hamilton-Murray Theater.
This year's performance, titled "Unconditional," will feature East Asian-inspired dances from ribbon-dancing and martial arts to hip-hop and salsa. It will include a diversity of influences -- Vietnam, China, Korea and the United States, among others.
Tickets are $10 for general admission, $6 with a Princeton University ID and free for Tiger Tickets holders. They are available online through University Ticketing, by visiting the ticket office in the Frist Campus Center or by calling (609) 258-9220.

Extending the reach of Asian-inspired dance, this salsa piece puts a Latin twist on Asian hip-hop. Sophomore Karin Tsai (in pink dress) leads the troupe in this number.