Cynthia Phillips, a scientist at the U.S. Department of Energy's
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, has been named a fellow of the
American Physical Society.
Phillips received the lifetime appointment in recognition of "her
theoretical and experimental contributions to the understanding of
radio frequency wave-particle interactions in fusion plasmas."
Plasma is a hot, ionized gas used as the fuel for the production of
fusion energy. In fusion experiments, radio waves are used to heat and
drive current in the plasma. Researchers choose waves with
characteristics for interacting with the ions or electrons in the
plasma that cause the ions or electrons to move faster and thereby
raise the temperature.
Society officials made the announcement about Phillips during the
Division of Plasma Physics' annual meeting in Denver last month.
Society rules limit the maximum number of fellows selected each year to
be no more than half of 1 percent of the division membership.
Phillips, a member of the plasma physics lab's research staff since
1983, is head of the wave-plasma interactions science focus group there
and a lecturer with the rank of professor in the Program in Plasma
Physics in the University's Department of Astrophysical Sciences.