Ronald Davidson, a researcher at the U.S. Department of Energy's
Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, has been selected to receive the
Particle Accelerator Science and Technology Award for 2005. He will be
honored on May 18 during the biennial Particle Accelerator Conference
in Knoxville, Tenn.
The award, which recognizes Davidson for his important contributions to
beam physics, is sponsored by a committee of the Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers Nuclear and Plasma Sciences
Society. It includes a plaque and $2,000.
Davidson is deputy head of the theory department and head of the beam
dynamics and nonneutral plasma division at the PPPL. He also is a
professor of astrophysical sciences at Princeton and the deputy
director of the Virtual National Laboratory for Heavy Ion Fusion, a
collaborative effort between the PPPL, Lawrence Berkeley National
Laboratory and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
He earned his Ph.D. in plasma physics from Princeton in 1966 and joined
the PPPL in 1991, serving as director of the lab until 1997.