Event details
Intermediate Zotero
This workshop will cover more advanced Zotero topics, including:
Utilizing tags
Creating item-level and stanalone notes
Turning Zotero into a database
Developing group libraries
This session will end with an ask-me-anything, allowing attendees to explore more targeted topics, such as integrating Zotero into software like LaTex. Please send requests to cover specific software to Brittany Norwood (bn3929@princeton.edu) ahead of the session.
Utilizing tags
Creating item-level and stanalone notes
Turning Zotero into a database
Developing group libraries
This session will end with an ask-me-anything, allowing attendees to explore more targeted topics, such as integrating Zotero into software like LaTex. Please send requests to cover specific software to Brittany Norwood (bn3929@princeton.edu) ahead of the session.
University programs and activities are open to all eligible participants without regard to identity or other protected characteristics. Sponsorship of an event does not constitute institutional endorsement of external speakers or views presented.