Event details
Research Data Stewardship series: Documentation and Metadata
Have you ever returned to a research project at a later date and can’t seem to remember certain details that would allow you to reuse or replicate your own data? Need others to understand and use your data? Data documentation and metadata are practices you can put into place to help others, including future you! This workshop will cover the fundamentals of data documentation (including standardized metadata), explain the principles behind the recommended practices, and prepare you to streamline your own processes of data documentation.
The Research Data Stewardship series consists of five lectures digging into the phases of the data lifecycle. Sign up for each individual session you are interested in! All sessions will be recorded and available in Media Central.
The Research Data Stewardship series consists of five lectures digging into the phases of the data lifecycle. Sign up for each individual session you are interested in! All sessions will be recorded and available in Media Central.
University programs and activities are open to all eligible participants without regard to identity or other protected characteristics. Sponsorship of an event does not constitute institutional endorsement of external speakers or views presented.